Cold Link Africa May 2022 | Page 23

Just like the planning you do when you are going on a trip , identifying all of the attractions you want to see – visiting an exhibition should be planned in the same way .

FRIGAIR 2022 is here , make the most of it ! By Benjamin Brits

Just like the planning you do when you are going on a trip , identifying all of the attractions you want to see – visiting an exhibition should be planned in the same way .

Since the reintroduction of exhibitions and conferences in South Africa this year , perhaps some of the strategies around ensuring a great experience have been forgotten , so , we would like to offer some tips based on our own experiences in attending these types of events .

For anyone that has been to an exhibition , especially the larger ones , it can be an intimidating and overwhelming experience . But with a little planning before hitting the isles , you can ensure a productive outcome .
For each individual there may be several reasons why you choose to visit an exhibition , but in all honesty if you don ’ t go with a plan , there is always so much happening that you can quickly fall into “ wandering visitor syndrome ” and not gain anything of real value , or pass by the same stands over and over while missing the ones you should see !
No matter if you are there to gather general information , create connections , learn about specific technology or find new suppliers , having a focus is always key . Exhibitions have been , and will continue to be , the preferred platform for people to engage on – even though so much information is available at your fingertips , nothing can beat the face to face transfer of information . This is one reason why exhibitions have enjoyed success around the world for over 150 years .
An exciting opportunity to take advantage of at this year ’ s FRIGAIR is that three other shows will be co-located at Gallagher Convention Centre with overlapping dates – These will be AOSH , Securex and Facilities Management – all relevant industries to business visitors – make sure you add these to your planning too .
WHY VISIT THE EXHIBITION Perhaps a question that you may know the answer to , but perhaps also some reasons or reminders will be included here that you haven ’ t thought about and can use for your own business or personal developments .
• Getting out of the office Today a business needs to balance a whole lot of elements and balance itself is one of those which has become particularly important for employees . Getting out of the office you may see as an excuse for employees to not get any work done , however several studies have shown that boredom and dissatisfaction can in fact be fatal . Especially since many people have become home-bound in their home offices dealing with endless virtual or digital interactions , getting out to a different environment will already generate creative stimulus . Also , for office employees the opportunity to escape seeing the same wall and computer screen day after day may just help to shift some energy towards the positive . Attending exhibitions should actually be compulsory for all business owners and staff alike .
• Networking Exhibitions provide many opportunities to connect with the local and global industry suppliers and service providers . It further enables visitors to engage like-minded individuals and create relationships which are invaluable in the currently highlycompetitive environment . Meeting on a more relaxed platform further breaks down those often-awkward barriers around professional interactions . Exhibitions also provide key opportunities to meet other contacts such as investors , or foreign delegates that can share their experiences from other regions that may also help solve any local challenges or differences in business trading .
• Learning and trends Exhibitions are a great place to polish up your industry skills and find out about the latest innovations and trends . This is particularly important for the HERVAC sectors that are amidst significant changes in terms of
the transition to natural refrigerants and all of the influencing factors that need to be understood from a technology and design point of view . Visitors also get the opportunity to listen to many industry specialists and absorb the wisdom of thoughtleaders and innovators in the sectors . There is always insight into future trends , where things are headed from multiple aspects and what businesses and individuals need to prepare themselves for in future with regard to those changes and trends .
• Physical experience Exhibitions are exceptional interactive environments . They are generally full of live demonstrations and new products or technology that give visitors the opportunity to examine , handle , compare , see , and test . All important elements for both professionals and tradespeople . Physical interaction is also critical for humans who are essentially social beings and require interaction with others in order to function correctly in a work environment . Many studies over the years have proven this to be highly accurate .
• Creative engagement nnovative technology and impressive engineering all equate to a thoughtprovoking creative experience that will inspire visitors , and just leave them with that feeling of satisfaction . Nothing tops that feeling when you have been inspired by seeing something new or finding solutions to challenges you regularly come across .
• Negotiations Exhibitions offer a unique platform and are the perfect place to deploy negotiations but more importantly understand what the driving factors behind negotiations are in order to be successful , understand each business and model and then create opportunities going forward .
All Image Credits : IMD
FRIGAIR 2018 hosted well over 4000 visitors .
Some of the stands from the 2018 exhibition .

COLD LINK AFRICA • May 2022 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 23