Cold Link Africa May 2022 | Page 14

be fully tailored to the needs of new members , especially in the case of emerging and developing countries .
The TCPs have taken a varied approach to addressing these challenges . Although they share a common legal structure , each individual TCP is unique , and many have developed their own practices and ways of
working over the years . In many cases , TCPs have been responsible for developing their own solutions to expand and deepen the participation of new countries .
In this handbook we have compiled general information on the different options for joining TCP activities and the membership process , plus useful tools and strategies for existing TCP participants and other
stakeholders to support the drive for TCPs to become more global . We have provided practical examples with short case studies – featured in boxes – shared by the TCPs .
This handbook addresses two primary target audiences :
• Decision makers in prospective member countries who are seeking to identify the possible benefits of TCP
membership and better understand the process and expectations before taking part in activities .
• TCP participants who are interested in expanding the TCP membership base to become more global , and who are looking for good practice approaches or possible strategies to foster participation among new countries .
OVERVIEW OF ACTIVE TCPS IN 2021 Category Buildings Innovation activities relating to efficiency gains in buildings , such as heat pumps , district heating and cooling and energy storage
Cross-cutting Cross-cutting activities relevant to all energy sectors and sources , including energy scenario modelling , and women ’ s participation in clean energy Electricity Activities relating to innovation in electricity systems , such as smart grids , demand-side management , and superconductivity technology Fossil energy Focusing on technologies to reduce costs and enhance the sustainability of fossil fuels , including carbon capture , utilisation and storage , enhanced oil recovery and fluidised bed conversion technology Fusion power Fundamental and applied research , including device-specific research and cross-cutting research into materials and safety
1 .
Energy in Buildings and Communities ( EBC TCP )
2 .
District Heating and Cooling including
Combined Heat and Power ( DHC TCP )
3 .
Energy Efficient End-Use Equipment ( 4E TCP )
4 .
Energy Storage ( Energy Storage TCP )
5 .
Heat Pumping Technologies ( HPT TCP )
1 . Clean Energy Education and Empowerment ( C3E TCP )
2 . Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme ( ETSAP TCP )
1 .
User-Centred Energy Systems ( Users TCP )
2 .
High Temperature Superconductivity ( HTS TCP )
3 .
International Smart Grid Action Network ( ISGAN
1 .
International Centre for Sustainable Carbon
2 .
Enhanced Oil Recovery ( EOR TCP )
3 .
Fluidised Bed Conversion ( FBC TCP )
4 .
Gas and Oil ( GOTCP )
5 .
Greenhouse Gas R & D Programme ( GHG TCP )
1 .
Environmental , Safety and Economic Aspects of
Fusion Power ( ESEFP TCP )
2 .
Fusion Materials ( FM TCP )
3 .
Nuclear Technology of Fusion Reactors ( NTFR
4 .
Plasma Wall Interaction ( PWI TCP )
5 .
Reversed Field Pinches ( RFP TCP )
6 .
Spherical Tori ( ST TCP )
7 .
Stellarators and Heliotron ( SH TCP )
8 .
Tokamak Programmes ( CTP TCP )
OVERVIEW OF ACTIVE TCPS IN 2021 Category Industry Enabling greater industrial energy efficiency and supporting innovation for cost-effective industrial technologies and system configurations Renewable energy Related to renewable energy sources and hydrogen , including bioenergy , solar , wind , geothermal , hydropower and ocean energy
Transport Research and analysis of technologies such as fuel cells , electric vehicles , and emission reductions in combustion , as well as advanced materials and fuels
TCPs 1 . Industrial Energy-Related Technologies and
Systems ( IETS TCP )
1 .
Bioenergy ( Bioenergy TCP )
2 .
Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems
( SolarPACES TCP )
3 .
Geothermal Energy ( Geothermal TCP )
4 .
Hydrogen ( Hydrogen TCP )
5 .
Hydropower ( Hydropower TCP )
6 .
Ocean Energy Systems ( OES TCP )
7 .
Photovoltaic Power Systems ( PVPS TCP )
8 .
Solar Heating and Cooling ( SHC TCP )
9 .
Wind Energy Systems ( Wind TCP )
1 .
Advanced Fuel Cells ( AFC TCP )
2 .
Advanced Materials for Transportation ( AMT
3 .
Advanced Motor Fuels ( AMF TCP )
4 .
Clean and Efficient Combustion ( Combustion
5 .
Hybrid and Electric Vehicles ( HEV TCP )
The full handbook is available freely by downloading it from the International Energy Agency website CLA
Many have developed their own practices and ways of working over the years .

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