Lack of cooling is a global problem
he newly published Chilling of populations across the world — Describing the report as a ‘wake-up The report was produced in partnership
Prospects: Providing Sustainable especially countries in Asia and Africa call’, she says, “We must meet these with and supported by the Kigali Cooling
Efficiency Programme (K-CEP).
Cooling for All report estimates that where access gaps are the largest. needs in an energy-efficient way,
more than 1.1-billion people worldwide However, the report maintains that and without using ozone damaging
are at risk due to lack of cooling — this challenge also offers business and substances. If not, the risks to life, health,
especially in Africa and Asia. entrepreneurs the opportunity of major and the planet are significant. But
new consumer markets that want super- there are equally important business
United Nations (UN)-backed Sustainable efficient, affordable technologies to opportunities for those that face up to
Energy for All (SEforALL) and is claimed meet their cooling needs. the challenge and act early.”
to be the first ever report to quantify
The analysis of 52 vulnerable
the growing risks and assess the
opportunities of the global cooling
Chilling Prospects: Providing
Sustainable Cooling for All shows there
are over 1.1-billion people globally
who face immediate risks from lack of
access to cooling. The report says that
cooling underpins the ability of millions
to escape poverty, to keep children
healthy, vaccines stable, food nutritious,
and our economies productive.
The report is said to represent an
urgent call to action and specific
recommendations to government
policymakers, business leaders, investors,
and civil society to increase access to
countries in hot climates also reveals
Access to cooling
is now a fundamental
issue of equity,” the
report says, “and as
temperatures hit record
levels, this could also
mean the difference
between life or death
for some.
sustainable cooling solutions for all.
that 470-million people in poor rural
areas have no access to safe food
and medicines and 630-million people
in hotter, poor urban slums have little
or no cooling to protect them against
extreme heatwaves.
The nine countries identified with the
biggest populations facing significant
cooling risks are India, Bangladesh,
Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Indonesia,
China, Mozambique, and Sudan.
A growing middle class with limited
purchasing options is said to present a
different problem, with an estimated 2.3
billion only being able to afford to buy
less-expensive and less-efficient cooling
devices — a situation that could spike
“In a world facing continuously rising global energy demand with profound
fundamental issue of equity,” the report temperatures, access to cooling is not climate impacts. It is thought that
says, “and as temperatures hit record a luxury — it’s essential for everyday life. cooling is now responsible for about 10%
levels, this could also mean the difference It guarantees safe cold supply chains of global warming, and growing rapidly.
between life or death for some.” for fresh produce, safe storage of life-
“Access to cooling is now a
Previous research indicates that by
saving vaccines, and safe work and 2050, work hours lost due to excessive
development and climate change housing conditions,” says Rachel Kyte, heat and lack of access to cooling are
issue, as they pose challenges for CEO and special representative to the expected to be more than 2% and as
the health, safety, and productivity UN secretary-general for SEforALL. high as 12%.
These risks are seen as both a
Source: Cooling Post
This report was published by the
Chilling Prospects: Providing Sustainable
Cooling for All shows there are over
1.1-billion people globally who face
immediate risks from lack of access to