Cold Link Africa May 2018 | Page 27


HCFC stakeholder meeting gets the ball rolling

The first HCFC stakeholder meeting for the year took place on 8 March , where plans for the long-awaited HPMP roadshows finally got finalised .

By Ilana Koegelenberg and John Ackermann

After the introductions , the usual formalities of going through the previous minutes and giving feedback on the actionable matters ensued . The meeting took place at the Department of Environmental Affairs ( DEA ) and was well attended by stakeholders from across the industry .

The HCFC Phase-out Management Plan ( HPMP ) roadshow was discussed as usual , but this time progress was made in terms of appointing a service provider and identifying centres in which the roadshows are to be held .
At the time of the meeting , no dates had been confirmed yet , but it has since been finalised as follows :
• 12 June – Midrand
• 14 June – Durban
• 19 June – Port Elizabeth
• 21 June – Cape Town
Gloria Tettey of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation ( UNIDO ) office in Austria travelled to South Africa to attend the stakeholder meeting and to finalise the roadshow . The cost of the roadshow forms part of the multilateral funding to South Africa for the implementation of the Montreal Protocol .
The aim of the roadshow will be to inform the industry of all the key elements to South Africa ’ s HPMP and to provide an easy-touse handbook with all the key elements to understanding the whole phase out of refrigerants , instead of referring to the many documents and publications that have been produced since South Africa signed the Montreal Protocol in January 1990 .
The saga of the reclaiming equipment sponsored by UNIDO continued at the meeting in March . Since the previous stakeholder meeting , a study tour had been
Ilana Koegelenberg
organised to visit Argentina and Mexico to gain insight as to how similar systems have been used to encourage the recovery of refrigerant .
The DEA gave feedback in terms of lessons learnt on the trip :
1 . They use an online permitting system that we can implement here and that can be managed by the DEA , International Trade Administration Commission ( ITAC ), and the South African Revenue Service ( SARS ).
2 . A memorandum of understanding within the industry is required to ensure the sustainability and viability of the project .
3 . In terms of service technicians , the visited countries had an upskilling programme at the technikons to train people on the estimated 4 000 portable machines in use there . The DEA plans on upskilling informal technicians similarly .
Government ’ s proposed ban on disposable refrigerants caused a great stir at the meeting .
“ We also learnt , for the business to be sustainable , it needs to go beyond reclamation to also recycling ,” explained Zukie Gwayi of DEA in her feedback . “ But there needs to be an economic incentive for people to bring stuff in .”
The four machines were expected to be shipped in April and to enter through the KwaZulu-Natal ports . The machines would be distributed to KZN , Limpopo , and Gauteng for the three pilot studies , while the location of the fourth machine is still to be finalised . Currently , they are looking at the Eastern Cape for possibilities . The
department is still working on the legal and licensing requirements for these reclamation units .
Concerns were raised at the meeting about the availability of backup spares and the maintenance of these units . But it was confirmed that the supplier would support the equipment .
Next followed an update on the ozone depleting substances ( ODS ) regulation , which is currently being revised .
Ron Buissinne , finance director of A-Gas , took this opportunity to suggest the possibility of “ resuscitating ” the South African Fluorocarbon Association that used to drive previous phase outs and other refrigerantrelated matters . He spoke about the idea of a self-policing industry , similar to how it works in Australia , where an import levy is charged when refrigerant is bought and then refunded when the refrigerant is reclaimed or recovered .
However , it was decided that the government does not want ‘ mushrooming associations ’ and they are worried about representation . They want to keep it to one forum and instead shifted the focus to how to keep the existing stakeholder meetings relevant .
Once the conversation was steered back to the ODS regulations , the DEA reported generally on what the amended regulations ( soon to be published for comment ) will focus on . It will include a socio-economic assessment as well as suggestions for the ban of disposable refrigerant canisters .
John Ackermann , president of the South African Refrigerated Distributors Association ( SARDA ), asked for the amendment to include a section about keeping an inventory of refrigerants used in a plant .
The DEA said they would circulate the concept document to identify gaps to be addressed . The quick mention of the banning of disposas did not go unnoticed ,
of course , and quickly elicited reaction from across the room .
Bob Arrandale , regional manager of Kovco , raised a concern that banning disposables “ will really hurt the industry ”. They said that although Kovco does have tanks for the more common refrigerants , they do not keep supply of ALL refrigerants in tanks , and moving gas from Cape Town to Johannesburg all the time would lead to exorbitant costs , which would negatively impact the industry and especially smaller contractors .
There was a request for an impact study to be done to determine what it would cost to ban disposable refrigerant cans , who it will affect , and whether we can afford it as an industry .
Tamlyn Maddocks , Africa stock and logistics manager at Metraclark , raised the issue that South Africa , as a gateway to Africa , supplies landlocked countries with refrigerants . “ Refillables will be a logistical problem as there will be issues to get them to and fro over borders ,” she said . “ Reimportation of cylinders will also be a hassle . We cannot guarantee that those cylinders will come back over the border . Disposables are a need , not only for our market but Africa too . We mustn ’ t be short-sighted .”
Buissinne asked that the document be recirculated for everyone to see and that they be given the opportunity to respond with their concerns .
Ackermann commented that we have to check where international suppliers are in terms of getting rid of disposas . “ We are completely dependent on them . If they are getting rid of disposas , we have no choice but to follow suit .”
The topic will be further discussed at the next meeting .
It was reported that the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol will be proposed in parliament soon . Government has approved it , but we are waiting for parliament before it can be ratified .

COLD LINK AFRICA • May 2018 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 27