Cold Link Africa March / April 2021 | Page 35

CONTRIBUTORS star . And that , people , must be the goal . It really does not help to know all the technical implications around what can happen when , if you simply do not change the way you are doing things . Harvesting in 35 degrees +, leaving product out in the heat , taking too long to get into a proper pre-cooling facility , not checking temperatures and avoiding condensation possibilities , too low humidity – I could go on for a good couple of minutes here – all adds up .
Remember , mistakes and problems in postharvest are cumulative and irreversible . And , as Mother Nature is extremely smart , they will show up at any given time , hitting you with quality problems when your produce is off the farm .
To preserve the quality after harvest to your overseas and local clients alike , may I remind you , you need to pay due diligence . For those of you who do not farm , do you not ever notice in the supermarkets that the quality you ‘ have ’ to buy is more often than not bad ? Really bad ?
Certain people still currently take big fat chances in this to the detriment of the industry . The ostrich does originate in Africa , yes , but by putting your head in the sand you simply aggravate the situation .
Please do not ever think professional people outside the country ’ s borders do not know . The quality of our South African produce just before harvest is among the best in the world . However , at international seminars it has already been put in the open that there are technical challenges to address . And we all already know that don ’ t we ?
Let us stop paying lip service and beating around the bush . Start doing the right thing . Mother Nature does , no matter how hard man tries to trick her … and stepping on a stone , does hurt , even a donkey knows that .
But hey , if you want to do things like 40 years ago and keep making the same mistakes , go ahead ! Just do not expect you will be doing this for much longer as you will be swallowed up and caught by the reality of the world around you . Go for it , but remember , you will fall short and hurt yourself , the farm , your family , and the industry . Sooner rather than later .
THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND When I wrote one of my previous articles , somebody asked me if I was not preaching in the desert . I do not think so !
Besides I have been to Egypt , and I have not only seen many desert landscapes , but also met a vast number of very clever Egyptian farmers who took advice and knowledge to heart and actually started doing something – taking serious action going forward .
Further , when participating in a recent virtual meeting with a leading international brand ’ s team , interest was sparked from Chile , Peru , Mexico , Spain , Italy , and the Philippines with our postharvest philosophy .
So that is as far as preaching in the desert goes . Remember , the most famous forester in the world started initially in the desert and you know what happened there : all the trees are gone .
I do have to urge one thing : I simply cannot let the farmers be on their own because if I left them alone , perhaps some industry leaders and presumed postharvest specialists would continue to be , on face value , the blind leaders of the blind . And for those who do not know , if the blind lead the blind , both shall fall into the ditch .
As I have mentioned , Mother Nature never ever breaks her own laws , not yesterday , not today or tomorrow , and preserving quality after harvest does not come by chance .
A while back I met a lady in a local coffee shop . She gives yoga lessons for a living , and she shared a story about some farming clients of hers . The wives joined the classes and so did the husbands . When asked how that works , she said , “ The farmers listen to their wives . End of story .”
So , I must start addressing my postharvest technology logic towards the farmers ’ wives in the future . If they understand and see the benefits of the philosophy , they will tell their husbands to change their way of thinking about postharvest . And hopefully the wives will also tell them to talk to the professionals !
Delivering better quality to the end users will bring prosperity to the farm . And the first ones to see the benefits of a better yield in earnings will be the wives , for sure . I am certain they will convince their partners very quickly that they had better start implementing this philosophy sooner rather than later .
Another advantage I could gain via the farmers ’ wives is that they can get their husbands to help them more in the kitchen … They could start by giving them a course on how to put stuff in the fridge . They will then
Too many retailers still take chances selling sub-standard produce to consumers who ‘ have no choice ’.
start understanding why one always puts ‘ clingwrap ’ over open products . Otherwise , products dry out , don ’ t they ?
And finally , it will hopefully also give me the chance to ask the ladies to find out where their husbands followed the ‘ dis te duur ’ or ‘ it ’ s too expensive ’ course at varsity . That course must be at least two to three years and if I am lucky , they can indicate which professor gives these lectures , as I would love to have a nice chat with him or her .
Recently the ‘ te duur ’ story meant that in our Parliament , the fire system together with the sprinklers didn ’ t work and , as the security guards were not paid overtime , this building of national importance was left unsecured … It was ‘ te duur ’ to do the right thing …
Just remember , when you are a solution partner , you are part of a team , and together with a team , you can strive to do everything right . Well , that is restricted to the applied postharvest technology field of course , I would not like to get in trouble with my farmers after talking to their wives .
Do you still think we are not effective ? Not possible ? Yes , we can , together !
And you will need it , sooner than later . Talk to us if you want to progress . We are by far the most experienced specialists when it comes to applied , engineered , tried , evaluated , and proven postharvest technologies in Africa . CLA

COLD LINK AFRICA • March / April 2022 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 35