Cold Link Africa March/April 2019 | Page 21

PROJECT INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN 2 1 There are four variable speed drives (VSDs), one on each lead compressor. Operating parameters are set and monitored by a Carel Boss system with a monitor in the plant room and remote monitors for key personnel and Pro Active Refrigeration management. Condensate water from some of the cabinets, cold rooms, and the air-conditioning air handling unit is harvested and stored in two 5 000ℓ tanks. When ambient temperatures are excessive, the water is filtered and pumped to the adiabatic gas cooler to increase capacity for heat rejection. 3 1. This ESK oil separator has been especially designed for trans-critical CO 2 applications. The oil separator is equipped with replaceable coalescence filter elements for the efficient removal of oil. The filter elements can be exchanged. Instead of an internal float valve, the separator is fitted with an oil level control. 2. The new Centre Point PnP store in Cape Town. 3. Variable speed pumps circulate chilled water from the two chillers to AHUs in the mall, line shops, and restaurants. 4. All the complex piping, components, and compressors are fitted within the rack, transportable on a standard road vehicle. 5. Compact main distribution board for the entire CO 2 plant. 4 COLD LINK AFRICA • March/April 2019 5 21