“ Cooling rates of freshly harvested grapes have a vast impact on our throughput , in particular in the Orange River area that has a short harvesting window , and we need to reach foreign markets ahead of our competitors . Rapid cooling , without any loss of quality , is of extreme importance ,” says Jacques Clift at Berekisanang . CLA
Many table grape producers anticipate double-digit growth as South Africa enters new markets , particularly in the East .
Project team
Refrigeration consultants Refrigeration installation Insulated paneling Refrigeration rack Evaporative condenser Cooling coils Fans
The insulated plant room houses the new generation of CoolCheck racks manufactured by Phoenix Racks in Cape Town .
CoolCheck Noord tot Suid Elektries en Verkoeling IDS Phoenix Racks Evapco Colcoil Heat Exchangers CFW
The grapes are kept under netting to protect them from hail , and the vineyards are surrounded with electric fencing for security .
The new facility at Berekisanang has cooling tunnels , a dispatch bay , and an area for making up pallets .
46 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za COLD LINK AFRICA • March | April 2017