Cold Link Africa Mar/Apr 2017 | Page 44

Cool pallets are dispatched from an airlock , which has temperature control . The Berekisanang farm was established as a greenfield project in harsh dry terrain .

New greenfield table grape farm on the Orange River

By John Ackermann

Taking advantage of the growing export demand for South African table grapes , a new farm , Berekisanang ( meaning , ‘ we all work together ’ in Setswana ), went on stream for the 2016 harvest .

Berekisanang has two 200ha sites , one for table grapes and the other for citrus fruit . Neither of the sites is in full production . For the 2016 harvest , the grapes were packed in the field at one of 180 packing stations and the cartons transported to the new cooling facility . Being packed in the vineyard adds to

the cooling load of the cooling tunnels , as generally ( and in the future at this farm ) the grapes are pre-cooled prior to packing . Even so , the new advanced cooling system was able to cool the grapes to a pulp temperature of 2 ° C within 16 hours in each of the four new cooling tunnels .
The refrigeration system designed by CoolCheck Consultants uses a novel cooling system where the airflow through the pallets is reversed for a period to ensure even cooling throughout the cartons .
The refrigeration system has a capacity of 250kW and is currently operating with R507A , but it is capable of being
retrofitted with a lower global warming potential ( GWP ) refrigerant in the future . This was an important consideration , said Wimpie Spangenberg , owner of the refrigeration installers Noord tot Suid Elektries en Verkoeling .
Each of the refrigeration compressors is fitted with a variable frequency drive ,
The newly established orchard of citrus at Berekisanang .

44 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za COLD LINK AFRICA • March | April 2017