Alcohol use and abuse in the workplace is a challenge across many sectors , but can be a particular problem in industries where employees need to deal with hazardous conditions or operate heavy machinery , such as in the warehouse .
Zero tolerance for alcohol in the warehousing environment
By Rhys Evans - director of ALCO-Safe
Alcohol use and abuse in the workplace is a challenge across many sectors , but can be a particular problem in industries where employees need to deal with hazardous conditions or operate heavy machinery , such as in the warehouse .
In the warehousing environment , employees must often work with and operate overhead cranes , forklifts and other hazardous machinery . These types of equipment are highly dangerous , as there is always the chance for human error and accidents do happen . However , the danger is significantly increased if employees are operating the machinery under the influence of alcohol due to its adverse effects on behaviour and reaction times . To mitigate this risk , warehouses need to adopt a zero tolerance approach to alcohol consumption in the workplace , backed up by effective policies and compulsory alcohol testing of every employee every day .
According to the Occupational Health and Safety ( OHS ) Act , employees are not permitted to be in the workplace under the influence of alcohol , no matter what industry they work in . Intoxicated employees may experience compromised cognitive ability and impaired decision making , since alcohol is proven to increase reckless behaviour while decreasing inhibitions . In the warehousing industry the effects of alcohol consumption in the workplace can be catastrophic . Accidents with heavy machinery can cause serious injury and even death . If it can be proven that the machine operator was operating under the influence and management did not take the necessary preventative steps , then the company can be held liable for damages . Ensuring the safety and well‐being of all employees within the warehouse workplace should be a top priority .
The first step is to adopt a zero tolerance approach as mandated by the OHS Act . This requires that policies be put into place to effect this , which need to include mandatory daily breathalyser testing of every employee as they enter the workplace . If only random testing is conducted or employees are not tested daily , then it becomes difficult to control alcohol consumption because of the large number of staff involved in many warehouse ventures . In addition , education needs to form a crucial component of any alcohol programme , as even if people are tested on arrival they may drink during the day . Education on the dangers of alcohol
Random tests make it difficult to control , should be daily .
consumption in the workplace , with real-life examples of the consequences of intoxicated behaviour , can act as a significant deterrent .
New breathalyser technology too can play a role in ensuring compliance with zero tolerance policies . Key management solutions have been in place in many warehouses to control and monitor who has access to keys for any physical asset , including heavy machinery such as forklifts and cranes . Intelligent , electronic key management systems provide a full audited history of key transactions , and new solutions incorporate a breathalyser function into this solution .
Regular key management typically requires the user to input a personal PIN as well as fingerprint to retrieve keys . The system then logs the time the keys were retrieved and by whom . The PIN and fingerprint must then be re-entered to return the keys , again logging the time and access code . With new breathalyser‐enabled solutions , users must not only enter a PIN and their fingerprint , but also blow into an integrated breathalyser to demonstrate their sobriety by ensuring their breath alcohol content is under the prescribed limit . Only then will the keys be released . If the user does not pass the breathalyser test , the keys will not be released , and the name of the person will be logged along with their breath alcohol reading . They will also then not be permitted to continue working .
To prevent alcohol consumption during the day while on shift , the same exercise must be repeated when the keys are returned . The system will create an alert and log the breath alcohol content of the operator should they fail the breathalyser test upon return of the keys .
By ensuring effective policies are in place and by utilising advanced technology , such as breathalyser-enabled key management systems , warehouse management can minimise the risk associated with alcohol consumption in the workplace . In addition , warehouses can benefit from sober employees who require less time off ; who are less likely to cause accidents and damages to assets and stock ; not to mention avoiding workplace injury and fatality . While new breathalyser systems will always require an upfront investment , this is typically minimal , effectively delivering long-term cost savings and OHS compliance . CLA
COLD LINK AFRICA • March | April 2017 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 41