Cold Link Africa Mar/Apr 2017 | Page 13


Meet GEA ’ s new transport refrigeration sales team

GEA has restructured completely and has a new sales team to support its operations throughout southern Africa .

This GEA team is responsible for all Thermo King transport refrigeration solutions , from the smallest to the largest vehicles . They also sell the Dhollandia tail lifts and Pommier Furgocar vehicle body accessories and fittings . CLA
Dean Moodie , transport sales representative , Durban .
Juanita Carstens , transport sales representative , Namibia .
Bennie Lourens , transport sales representative , Cape Town and Port Elizabeth .
The sales and support team in the attire promoting ‘ Thermo King is the Heart of Transport Refrigeration ’, back row , from left : Bennie Lourens , Bernard Daniel ( technical service support manager ), Francois van der Westhuizen , Dean Moodie , and Michael du Plessis . Front , from left : Chantel Kent Brown and Eileen de Jager ( equipment sales controller ).
Chantel Kent Brown , transport sales representative , Johannesburg .
Michael du Plessis , transport sales representative , Johannesburg and Bloemfontein .
Francois van der Westhuizen , head of transport cooling sales .

COLD LINK AFRICA • March | April 2017 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 13