Cold Link Africa June 2022

Insulation , and more specifically insulated panels - are considered critical in many aspects of the cold chain today , and several other industries too .
ISSN 2412-7779 R65.55


Vol . 36 - No . 3 | June 2022

One consolidated voice for the refrigeration industry


NEWS : Africa : Business sees opportunity , growth & more


EVENTS : We hope you enjoyed your FRIGAIR 2022 experience !

1 , 20

Precool Manufacturing
FEATURE : About insulated panels

About insulated panels By Benjamin Brits

Insulation , and more specifically insulated panels - are considered critical in many aspects of the cold chain today , and several other industries too .
Continued on page 20


CONTRIBUTOR : Facts are stubborn things

COLD LINK AFRICA • June 2022 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 1