Cold Link Africa June 2022 | Page 19

This year , FRIGAIR ’ s aim was to generate stimulus for the industry while addressing the most pressing topic for all HERVAC role players – natural refrigerants .

We hope you enjoyed your FRIGAIR 2022 experience ! By Benjamin Brits

This year , FRIGAIR ’ s aim was to generate stimulus for the industry while addressing the most pressing topic for all HERVAC role players – natural refrigerants .

This particular subject that formed the theme of the exhibition and delivered education line up , is in fact the focus of these sectors around the globe , with a lot of energy going into the shift to lower global warming potential refrigerants – and ozone depleting substances – where heating and cooling technology plays a big role .

Of course , energy consumption is a major factor too , especially in economies such as South Africa that rely on fossil fuel as the primary source of electrical production – and thus produce higher carbon emissions .
From a legal and regulatory standpoint as a signee to the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol , South Africa is legally bound to the forced phasedown of hydrofluorocarbons ( HFCs ). HFCs are commonly used alternatives to ozone depleting substances ( ODS ) used in the past . While not ozone depleting substances themselves , HFCs are greenhouse gases which can have very high global warming potentials ( GWPs ).
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons ( HCFCs ) were developed as transitional substitutes for the high ODS and GWP refrigerants and will also be subject to a phaseout schedule in the near future . Natural refrigerants will be the norm of the future as global representatives agree and are driving the change , and , are in fact already here as replacement refrigerants must be implemented . In South Africa , many ammonia , CO2 and R290 solutions and products have already been installed , some systems / products already having several years under the belt .
Natural refrigerants are the obvious choice for the future as they have zero ODS and zero to extremely low GWP figures , and therefore are aligned to mitigate the challenges of environmental effects that the HERVAC sectors contribute to . Natural refrigerants include hydrocarbons ( HCs ), hydrofluoroolefins ( HFOs ), ammonia ( NH₃ / R717 ), carbon dioxide ( CO₂ / R744 ) and water – which is not very well developed as a refrigerant at this point in time .
Now , although a step in the right direction in terms of the environment , the safe use and deployment of natural refrigerants is ultimately critical as these substances do carry risk such as toxicity , flammability and in the case of CO2 - require much higher system operational pressures . Risk factors and training do go hand in hand to ensure safe practices and will also be a major focus for the successful implementation of these refrigerants .
PIRO4D | Pixabay
In order to mitigate the impacts of climate change on the earth , the HERVAC sectors have a big role to play in terms of the use of low GWP and ODSs – through natural refrigerants - as demand increases exponentially in cooling .
We would love to hear of your experience from FRIGAIR 2022 and also your opinions , comments , suggestions or concerns around the deployment of natural refrigerants in South Africa - as well as the safety and training elements that go along with this . Please feel free to send your correspondence to the editor : Benjamin @ interactmedia . co . za or call + 27 82 940 0701 .
In the upcoming issue of Cold Link Africa , we will have a comprehensive review of FRIGAIR 2022 , so keep an eye out for this content to see what this world-class event delivered . FRIGIAR is owned by the
South Africa Institute for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning ( SAIRAC ) and organised by partners Interact Media Defined and Specialised Exhibitions , a division of the Montgomery Group . CLA
We would love to hear of your opinions , comments , suggestions or concerns .

COLD LINK AFRICA • June 2022 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 19