Cold Link Africa June 2021 | Page 14


World Refrigeration Day 26 June

celebrated as the globe ’ s largest campaign for all things involving this everyday technology that assists human existence in so many ways .
Since the launch of the first WRD , the UN Environment Programme ’ s ( UNEP ) OzonAction has been actively engaged as a main partner with the WRD Secretariat to promote this celebratory day for the refrigeration and air conditioning sector .

World Refrigeration Day ( WRD ) is recognised internationally as a day of awareness to raise the profile of the refrigeration , air-conditioning and heat-pump sector to focus attention on the significant role that the industry , and its technology play in modern life .

WRD draws attention to the wonderful engineering and science that is all around us every day . Refrigeration is at the very heart of modern life . It enables people to live , travel and work comfortably . It saves lives . It enables people to achieve .
Surgeons operate in air-conditioned hospitals . Chilled vaccines are delivered safely to millions in need . Low-carbon heating solutions ( heat-pumps ) keep people warm . Food is delivered in hygienically safe conditions . Humans travelled to the moon in a temperaturecontrolled rocket . We play sports on artificially made ice and snow . Artists perform in air-conditioned theatres . All these scenarios involve refrigeration .
26 June 2019 marked the founding
Some 15 million people are employed worldwide in the refrigeration sector .
OzonAction participated in the successful campaigns of 2019 and 2020 , which addressed the importance of refrigerants and the cold chain , respectively . National Ozone Units , associations , and the industry as a whole , are encouraged to continue to be involved in the awareness drive of the sector .
For this year ’ s campaign , OzonAction and the WRD Secretariat have joined with key international partners : ASHRAE , European Partnership for Energy and the Environment ( EPEE ), Federation of Ibero-American Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Associations ( FAIAR ), International Institute of Refrigeration ( IIR ), Indian
Refrigeration systems provide essential conditions required in environments for food and pharmaceutical manufacturing .
of World Refrigeration Day and was Society of Heating , Refrigerating and The most recognised refrigeration systems are those used in preserving or limiting food losses .
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