The Valeo R&D centre in Linbro Business Park, Sandton, Johannesburg.
advantage of its in-house engineering
and design expertise. For more than
25 years, Valeo has successfully served
its markets with its highly experienced
service network.
It was a natural fit.
The mission for the transport refrigeration
product line is to provide reliable,
competitive and efficient transport
refrigeration and service solutions. They
assure the correct temperature during
transport to support the highest quality of
food, pharmaceuticals and other sensitive
goods. They continuously improve their
products to optimise life cycle costs,
energy consumption and minimise
emission levels.
Peter Solomon saying a few words at the start of the event.
“Our experienced engineering team is
excited and motivated to use the facility
to execute these mission goals,” said
Wells. “We are focusing on continuously
improving the quality of our products
in order to adequately respond to the
needs of our existing and new clients
as well as develop new products in
anticipation of the market demands.
We do this to make everyday life better
for people by ensuring our thermal
The calorimeter’s control box up close.
Everyone then joined Graham Wells,
Valeo Thermal Transport Refrigeration
engineering manager at the testing unit.
Wells has the responsibility of overseeing
operations of the new Thermal Transport
Refrigeration Research and Development
(TTR-R&D) department in South Africa.
The engineering team formally took
occupation of the new premises at the
start of 2019 and are constantly striving
to develop its layout and functionality to
align with the business’s strategy, namely
to improve quality, reliability, efficiency
and competitiveness of its products.
“Our new facility will, in the long run,
become the global R&D laboratory
for all future transport refrigeration
developments,” explained Wells. “It
will be transformed into a state-of-the-
art facility capable of simulating real-
world conditions that our equipment is
subjected to on a daily basis, as well as
expanding our system test capabilities.”
Valeo is a leading player in the
automotive industry with expertise in
components for commercial vehicles.
Some of those are also core components
for transport refrigeration equipment.
Furthermore, Valeo is market leader
in HVAC systems for buses and they
therefore required a service network for
the upkeep. Under those conditions it was
only a logical consequence to extend
Valeo’s commercial vehicles activities
towards transport refrigeration.
Transfrig is the market leader in
South Africa for transport refrigeration
equipment and has more than 25 years
of experience in this field. In addition to a
complete portfolio of robust and reliable
conventional transport refrigeration
units (direct and diesel driven), it also
provides customised solutions including
CO 2 -emission-free green technology.
Therefore Valeo considered Transfrig
as the ideal partner for its transport
refrigeration strategy and decided to
take it over.
Valeo’s Transport Refrigeration business
provides a wide range of industry-leading
refrigeration equipment for trucks and
vans of all sizes. Its solutions are specially
designed for all conditions, taking full
Taking a closer look at the calorimeter.
Christian Müller spoke about the company’s vision.
Graham Wells in front of the calorimeter.