Cold Link Africa July / August 2024 | Page 22

© Cold Link Africa © Cold Link Africa
Temperature controls .
View from the mezzanine .
He also noted the involvement of Eskort ' s parent company in the genetics sector , contributing to the development of superior pig breeds tailored for modern farming practices , as well as its accreditation for humane animal treatment .
One unique innovation for the South African market was the maximising of vertical space by installing a picking mezzanine level . “ These elevated platforms allow for efficient product retrieval , optimising floor space and streamlining operations . Each SKU has a designated pallet position , enhancing organisation and productivity ,” says Lӧtter .
He describes this as being revolutionary within the South African meat industry , underscoring its novelty and effectiveness . “ The concept originated during the planning stages , with collaboration between Eskort and a company specialising in rack systems . Upon identifying the concept ' s viability and success in European facilities , including a firsthand observation in Ireland , Eskort proceeded with its implementation .”
Regarding the refrigeration system ' s energy efficiency , Lӧtter stressed the importance of prioritising power security before implementing energy-saving measures to ensure uninterrupted operations . He noted that the facility ’ s primary challenge was load shedding . To mitigate the impact , Eskort invested in a robust generator park capable of powering the entire site - for uninterrupted power supply of critical processes like continuous freezing - during outages .
“ Despite occasional challenges , these measures ensure operational continuity and efficiency , safeguarding both productivity and product quality .”
In addition , to mitigate costs and improve energy efficiency , Eskort implemented various measures , including the installation of energy-efficient motors and sequential systems to manage maximum demand , as well as robust cladding on ducts . Additionally , upgrades to electrical infrastructure , such as overhead cabling , were necessary to accommodate increased power requirements .
Looking to the future , Eskort plans to further reduce diesel consumption by converting generators to run on a mixture of natural gas and diesel . Additionally , the facility ' s design incorporates provisions for future solar panel installations to supplement power during daylight hours .
To maintain temperatures post-freezing , frozen meat is immediately transferred to a temperature-controlled holding area . “ This process ensures that the meat remains within the desired temperature range before distribution or further processing . The facility ' s layout facilitates seamless transitions between freezing and storage areas , optimising workflow and product handling efficiency ,” says Lӧtter .
Regarding hygiene protocols , the manager describes the stringent measures in place to prevent contamination and ensure product safety . “ Employees undergo rigorous sanitation procedures

22 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za COLD LINK AFRICA • July / August 2024