Doors are probably the most key element
in maintaining the cold chain in a facility.
If they are not insulated, easy to operate
or sealed properly, they will not fulfil their
function of containing the precious cold
air within the building, explains Janssen.
When deciding on industrial doors and
loading dock equipment for cold storage
facilities, the main features to look out for
are insulation and seals preventing any air
exchange around the door, in between the
door panels and around the dock leveller.
Modern freezers
are expensive – both to
build and to operate.
And given the growth in
product lines, racking
systems must offer
both high capacity and
great access.
A high-quality, properly balanced,
insulated sectional door is easy and
quick to operate and therefore allows for
quick movement in and out of the door,
he adds, minimising opening time and
loss of cold air. An electrically-operated
door would be first prize as this will reduce
possible damages due to negligent
operation and ensure that the door opens
and closes to its optimum with less wear
and tear.
The dock leveller should be designed
in such a way that there are minimal gaps
allowing cold air to escape the building.
Docking accessories such as cushion
seals or shelters are critical elements in
the loading process and should fit snugly
around the truck, also preventing any
loss of cold air from the building during
loading and unloading.
An ideal solution for cold storage
facilities is a loadhouse. The loadhouse is
a complete, separate loading platform
and is the most energy efficient solution,
incorporating leveller, shelter and door
for a complete loading bay unit on the
outside of the building, which maximises
energy efficiency and from Janssen’s
experience, is the Hazard analysis and
critical control points (HACCP) auditor’s
preferred layout. With the dock leveller
outside the building, which is closed by a
properly insulated and sealed sectional
door, the amount of air exchange that
takes place during loading is limited.
The other benefits of load-houses are
an increase in hygiene and maximising
space in the building. The space under a
dock leveller can be a shelter for pests and
for dirt to build up. With the leveller being
outside the building you prevent the ingress
of dirt and pests into the building, and by
moving the loading process from inside the
warehouse to outside you immediately free
up space in the warehouse.
If space restriction does not allow for a
separate load-house to be built outside
the main building than an insulated dock
leveller would be a great investment.
Strip curtains or high-speed doors at
loading dock entrances can also minimise
cold air loss.
Temperature logging and control is also key to ensure the product doesn’t go off.
be ruined. Bram Janssen from Maxiflex
Door Systems shares some tips from his
experience on how to get this right.
The ammonia plant room at the Chilleweni cold store in Johannesburg.
COLD LINK AFRICA • July/August 2019