“Over the course of three days, the FRIGAIR He also announced that ASHRAE will be
Expo and conference programmes starting a chapter in South Africa at the
will deliver the most valuable and end of July. “SAIRAC will forge a working
comprehensive business-to-business relationship with ASHRAE, which will benefit
networking event serving the HERVAC both institutions and industry as a whole.
industry,” said Laidlaw. “Companies that SAIRAC council and the newly formed
participate in the event gain a high level of chapter will map out the best possible
brand recognition and targeted business path that will maximise the opportunities
development opportunities in front of key created,” he said.
buying audiences involved in industry.”
Laidlaw also made mention of the
Laidlaw told members about the free-to-
attend SAIRAC seminar programme taking
three ASHRAE short courses. He later place at FRIGAIR, as well as the first-ever
handed gifts to the three international ATMOsphere networking event to be held
ASHRAE lecturers to acknowledge, on that afternoon, inviting everyone to attend.
behalf of SAIRAC, what they are doing
“In overview, the stage is set for a
for education in our industry. All three fantastic FRIGAIR, perhaps the best one lecturers were in attendance — Daniel ever held!” he said. “On behalf of SAIRAC, Koenigshofer, Dr Tom Lawrence, and I would like to extend our sincere thanks Dr Hesham Safwat accepted the gifts and appreciation to the organisers, rejuvenated and new ones forged’. May past year, went to Johannesburg SAIRAC
in person. committees, and all involved with the FRIGAIR 2018 continue in this wonderful centre chairman, Jaco Pieterse.
expo. I would also like to thank all of the tradition.”
“These courses offer us the unique
opportunity to gain from international exhibitors and guests, without whom leaders and academics in the field. FRIGAIR would not be possible, and I wish AWARDS
Moving forward, I feel expanding the all a memorable experience.”
conference side of FRIGAIR is now viable,”
said Laidlaw.
Deon Schmidt, Port Elizabeth centre
chairman, was up first to hand a Special
Meritorious Service award to Cedric
After Laidlaw’s speech, it was time for the Knottenbelt. He was followed by Cyril
He concluded: “I read somewhere official awards. The Mike Veldon Award for Macquet-Maurel, Durban centre chairman,
that ‘FRIGAIR is where old friendships are the most diligent SAIRAC member over the who presented the award to Chris Elston.
COLD LINK AFRICA • July/August 2018