Cold Link Africa January / February 2023 | Page 26

in individual operations , and businesses may use external resources ( consultants ) or adapt a generic HACCP plan provided by a competent authority .
As well as enhancing food safety , implementation of HACCP can provide other significant benefits , such as more efficient processes based on a thorough analysis of capability , more effective use of resources by focusing on critical areas , and fewer recalls through identification of problems before product is released . In addition , the application of HACCP systems can aid review by competent authorities and promote international trade by increasing confidence in food safety .
The successful application of HACCP requires the commitment and involvement of management and personnel and the knowledge and / or training in its application for the particular type of food business . A multidisciplinary approach is strongly recommended ; this multi-disciplinary approach should be appropriate to the FBRs ’ operation and may include expertise in primary production , microbiology , public health , technology , environmental health , chemistry and engineering – according to the particular application .
A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO CLEANING AND SANITISING The NSF white paper referred to earlier further offers a summary and step-by-step guideline on how to clean and sanitise contact surfaces , processing and handling areas where the possibility of contamination
could exist . They point out primarily the importance of using the correct , certified cleaning and sanitising products in performing the task required as well as deploying the right tools and equipment .
But then , how does one determine if those tools and equipment are safe ? There is no overarching regulatory body that governs the entire cold chain . Facilities such as the NSF are therefore heavily involved in this scope of all food-related chemicals and via their processes , products go through a formulation , label and traceability review . Testing is carried out to determine several issues – such as scent . In this example , guidelines do not allow a fragrance to mask an odour related to a food safety issues such as food spoilage . The ultimate objective of passing a product is to assure end-users that a third party has verified the product in question as being suitable for use by food and beverage companies , and in all commercial applications .
Regulatory bodies and food safety programs around the world have their own varied ( slightly ) versions in terms of what they class as ‘ proper cleaning and sanitising ’ of food contact points and equipment . The guideline as follows , provides a general overview of the most commonly suggested steps among the different interpretations . Also , in specialist applications or work – further steps or the use of particular systems and chemicals may be required .
As with the success of any task then , several specialists point to the fact that as
a starting point , those allocated staff or outsourced contractors performing any cleaning and sanitising must be properly trained and further fully understand the reasoning behind each task , as well as the consequences associated with incidents . While these guidelines are meant primarily for food or beverage handling and production facilities , they also apply to foodservice establishments and what is referred to today as ready-to-eat stations found commonly around the country .
Debris As alluded to earlier in this article , the physical removal of “ soil deposits ” from contact areas is the initial step . “ Soil ” includes such things as dirt and dust , gross solids , mineral salts , large particles , proteins , lubricants and other residue . Soil removal can include the use of scrapers , dry floor push mops , brushes and brooms , dry or low moisture steaming , and vacuuming , among others .
Residue removal When rinsing equipment as a primary step , it is recommended to make use of warm potable water ( at 48.9 ° C ). The reason for this is that warmer temperatures could cause soil and particles to adherent to surfaces and essentially prevent removal . To avoid recontamination issues , use of high-pressure hoses is discouraged since a high-pressure rinse could aerosolise soils and chemicals into other areas and equipment that have already been cleaned and sanitised . In
addition , the use of high-pressure methods hold a likelihood of possible damage to areas and equipment .
An obvious exception to this step is if the area or equipment that requires cleaning needs to stay dry . Exposing dry food products to moisture can lead to mould and bacterial growth . Consequently , dry food processors have to apply interim dry-cleaning methods in-between any periodic wet cleaning . Instead of a rinse , pads , brushes or dry lint-free towels with a cleaning solution that is suitable to use on food contact surfaces can be deployed . Alcohol-based wipes and other solvents that dry quickly are also options as a rinse for dry areas .
Detergents and scrubbing It is essential to use chemical cleaners intended to remove fat and protein . In addition , it must be ensured that detergents / chemicals are properly mixed by appropriate dilution rates and contact times provided by the cleaning product manufacturer . If this information is not available , it is again essential to obtain this information as these factors affect the effectiveness of managing a contamination risk .
Over-diluted solutions may not be as effective and could even lead to bacteria developing a tolerance . Conversely , high concentrations of detergent could lead to product pollution and compromise of employee safety . Note : Detergents and chemicals alike can be affected by supply water pH and hardness levels .

26 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za COLD LINK AFRICA • January / February 2023