Opening the formalities of the day , Isolde Dobelin – the training centre owner and visionary of the planned OTTC Skills City Africa , welcomed all guests and offered much gratitude for everyone joining in the celebration . Although the centre ’ s “ official ” 30 year birthday was earlier in 2022 , the celebration was chosen to be held on the date that also coincided with another special day – Dobelin receiving her degree as master of business administration those years ago too . Dobelin , to start , shared several stories of memories and some history around the establishment of the training centre , milestones and participation in WorldSkills , as well as the future plans of the skills city that is based on a small town and community where her family stayed in Germany before moving to South Africa .
OTTC technical director Ana-Marie Sibiya and Bruce Scallan , refrigeration , air conditioning and special applications trainer , also addressed guests and
expressed their gratitude for all participants to the celebration and pride in being a part of the team . Sibiya noted specifically her “ humbling experience to share this day with all of her mentors who were in attendance as well as the OTTC team ”, and Scallan who said that he was “ very optimistic for the future of OTTC and specifically the decision to move into heat pump training ” – heat pumps which currently offer coefficient of performance ( COP ) of upto six – provide massive opportunities for better efficiencies and solutions . It was stressed by other speakers that “ heat pumps are not only a solution for Europe and America but can deliver many outcomes including generation of energy ”.
Emphasis was put on the importance of each and every person being able to gain a skill as Dobelin continued – while being multi-skilled today has become essential in the competitive employment environment . For this reason the OTTC Skills City Africa project , registered in 2020 , would cater
to this gap in the region and offer not only the scarce skills of refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics , but address electrical and plumbing qualifications too in order to afford learners a solid knowledge base – in what today is becoming an integrated function with several overlaps .
Dobelin further demonstrated the importance of family business through the invitation of some of her longest standing business supporters and friends – who run family businesses themselves – to speak about their path and how this aspect has enabled them to grow longevity and sustainability over time .
Some of the forward planning in the short term that was then revealed for the training centre , were new workshops that would be started in February 2023 as well as other new platforms for learners to participate on in a digital format .
A final important aspect that was highlighted was the continual importance
of trades people who in Dobelin ’ s and other speakers ’ words , “ are the ones who can run our cities and are essential in the world today . While other professionals can think up concepts and designs – it ’ s trades people who make those designs and ideas a reality and improve the world . Learning and experience through training is what makes that happen – and by the opportunity to gain from masters in their fields ”. OTTC was proud to share that around 550 ammonia graduates had been passed over the years – demonstrating the value of that knowledge offload by master mentors such as Kurt Johannsen who is a longtime lecturer on ammonia at OTTC .
Closing off the formalities , Dobelin and the team invited their guests to enjoy a great feast of food and beverages , and to enjoy the day of celebrations with friends .
For all of the scheduled and new courses that will be presented , visit the OTTC official website . CLA