Kristina Flour Unsplash
Goodness , gracious me , of course nobody in the industry packs table grapes with dry stem , split berries , burst berries or botrytis . Or stone fruit with shrivel … or apples and / or pears with shrivel or woody stems for that matter . Or any other quality issues whatsoever .
Obviously , no weight losses in controlled atmosphere ( CA ) rooms or quality loss … No , everybody packs top quality in the boxes at the farm , simply because our farmers are some of the best in the world when it comes to growing a quality product on the vineyards , orchards or fields .
Any product does indeed get packed at the farm , but normally it doesn ’ t get unpacked at your backdoor is it ! Why is it that in the same industry we are talking about now , there are claims ( and plenty of them ), year after year . Damages , losses with dry stem , split- or burst berries , botrytis , shrivel , weight- and quality losses ?
Are they holograms , or some imaginary mental-issue images perhaps ?
All iother mage credits supplied by Jan Lievens |
Some suppliers did nothing this year yet again to address the root cause analysis and chose to leave everything as it was last year , and all the years before that .
Fine , no problem at all , but check what Albert Einstein said about that and quickly go and look for psychological assistance as you will have the same problems as last year and the years before .
The tragic part of this melodrama is that it probably will stay the same and will for the coming years as well , if producers survive this suicidal carrousel Russian roulette game of course .
Believe you me , if you do it right , for once – the light in the tunnel shouldn ’ t be the one of your bank managers hunting you down … If you do it wrong , just go to your bank and hand over the keys voluntarily .
The horse has been brought to the water many times . It is just a matter of you wanting to drink from the water and implement the presented solutions .
Let us call a shovel a shovel and a spade a spade . Take your wheelbarrow and start moving it ! CLA
Everybody packs top quality in the boxes at the farm , simply because our farmers are some of the best in the world .
And please , for those of you who still pick early “ to get a longer shelf life ”, you often deliver a fruit which is immature , has got no taste and , to be quite honest , is often a horrible piece of … produce .
The problems lie in the conditioning of your product after harvest . Simple . And there you are playing with 99 % of your income as I have mentioned in many of my previous columns . The industry , however , just keeps on fiddling and struggling with tackling the last postharvest trajectory correctly .
All the studies have been done , for years . The knowledge is there , written down , published , and if you know and understand it , it does make you humble . You will respect the correct postharvest treatments and unbreakable cold chain requirements , unless you are ignorant , arrogant , or both …
Arrogance indeed makes you ignorant , as well as ignorance makes you arrogant … Simple .