Cold Link Africa January / February 2020 | Page 27

EVENTS AND EXHIBITIONS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN OUT AND ABOUT In the new week, the group did site visits for three days to view installations charged with natural refrigerants, even water. The Roche Diagnostics GmbH plant in Penzberg, had cascade CO 2 /propane plant for chilled water and other processing plant in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. It was interesting to note that all refrigerant piping in the Roche plant was of stainless steel. The Maintal College does not have an operational ammonia training plant and all operational training was theoretical. For training in the principals of ammonia systems, the group visited the plant of Nordfrost GmbH, a third-party distributor of refrigerated perishables. Nordfrost generates on site 1 156kW of power with natural gas to drive the refrigeration plant. A meeting with officials of the Bavarian Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection in Munich, was of mutual interest and gave further insight to the natural refrigerant training project to be undertaken in South Africa. After the Bavarian Ministry, the group visited a hops processing plant in Au in der Hallertau. The site comprises a large- scale warehouse and processing facility for raw hops into pellets for breweries using a cascade system with propane (R290) for the upper stage and carbon dioxide (R744) for the lower stage. In COLD LINK AFRICA • January/February 2020 Small unit for training in the skills for R290 systems at the college in Maintal. this installation, all refrigerant piping is of high-grade copper. The plant at Heiderbeck GmbH, a sales company for high quality cheese specialities and gourmet products, is charged with R1270 (propylene), which is not used much in South Africa. Being classified as a A3 refrigerant, the charge of the plant is limited. The packaged refrigeration unit, manufactured by Frigadon of Sweden, has three circuits each with only 4kg of R1270 for compliance with safety standards. Lidl, one of Europe’s major supermarket chains, was next to be visited. The group has chosen R290 for all new stores and in old stores at time of being revamped. For the back-up cold stores, R290 plug in units are installed on the roof. Any leaks that can occur would be in the large area outside the cold store. The e-chiller charged with water (R718) as the refrigerant is under further development at Efficient Energy GmbH. Efficient Energy GmbH in Feldkirchen was the last to be visited and probably the most unusual. The company produces the E-chiller, using water (R718) as the refrigerant. Although still expensive to produce, the company has developed a compressor solely for water. The models have a capacity of 20 to 45kW with a COP of 3.6 to 4.0 when producing water at 10˚C. The high efficiency e-chiller is probably the most environmentally friendly chiller in production: zero GWP, Two stage ammonia plant at Roche. zero ODP and low carbon emissions from absorbed power. The site visits and training proved interesting and an eye-opening revelation as to the momentum of the swing towards natural refrigerants in Europe and the innovation in overcoming the safety and operational constraints. The knowledge and experiences gained during the visit will have far reaching benefits towards the growth of natural refrigerants in South Africa. CLA 27