Cold Link Africa January / February 2020 | Page 24

EVENTS AND EXHIBITIONS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN A mobile evaporative cooler to bring some comfort cooling in a sidewalk coffee shop. A portion of a consignment of reclaimed R22 destined for Canada. The recycling plant for electronics, plastics and recalled products, is of Swiss Technology. The JV90 reclaiming unit is similar to those shipped to South Africa. 24 On receiving recovered refrigerants at the RRR Hub, cylinder details are recorded, content tested, and mass of refrigerant weighed. On receiving at the Hub, the recovered refrigerant is checked to assess whether it can be reclaimed. Any contaminated refrigerant, which cannot be reclaimed, is sent for destruction to the nearest facility in Europe and the client billed for the destruction costs. Generally, refrigerant recovered from well-maintained plants and recovery done according to standard practice can virtually be all reclaimed. The percentage which cannot be reclaimed and sent for destruction is less than 2%. On site recovery of refrigerants is done by Enviroserve teams, at no charge to large clients who have entered into a contract or others do their own recovery with cylinders provided by Enviroserve. A continuous supply of recovered refrigerant is vital for the sustainability of TRH by Enviroserve as a viable and profitable enterprise. Hosting of seminars on ozone depletion, training of technicians in recovery, engagement with government departments, participation in all climate change meetings, regular emails to clients to assess their requirements, are part of the ongoing Enviroserve marketing strategy to promote RRR. Many corporations now also see RRR as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and insist that all their service providers do the same and has created further awareness for all role players to follow the Enviroserve lead towards saving our planet. Enviroserve has the capacity to reclaim 8 000kg/day. At times, batches are consolidated to have the plant operate at full capacity. All recovered refrigerants are reclaimed to the ARI 700 standard and is comparable to virgin refrigerant. With the Enviroserve equipment, refrigerant can be recovered on site at the rate of 100kg per minute. Stuart Fleming from Euroserve, emphasised that recovery was not just about collecting a saleable commodity but was much quicker than the time spent in waiting for systems to be fully vented when allowed to blow off. Recovered refrigerant which can be reclaimed is exchanged at Enviroserve for quality assured reclaimed refrigerant at a fraction of the price of virgin imported refrigerant. The supply of reclaimed refrigerant is not only to clients in the Middle East, but as far afield as Canada. At the time of the visit a consignment of yellow painted 50kg cylinders of R22 was about to be dispatched to Canada ahead of the 31st December 2019 ban on the imports of reclaimed R22. The RRR at Enviroserve is also promoted as a step towards reducing the environmental impact of disposable cylinders. COLD LINK AFRICA • January/February 2020