Cold Link Africa January / February 2020 | Page 32

FEATURE INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN Some of the pipework that feeds the system. THE FINAL PRODUCT This system produces a great mix between traditional ice bank design with a coil in tank while incorporating modern energy saving and control systems to bring this concept into the modern era. This system will add a major load of electrical power usage to their operation, with a peak kVA draw of as high as 200kVA, however the product that is being chilled is now being chilled far quicker and more directly than 32 Installation of the Evapco cooling tower. the previous cold room air cooling flood back to the compressor and of chambers faster and tests began approach, so in this sense the kW cooling course the main trump card to a system immediately to assess the improvement in will be more efficiently directed to the like this is the ability to store cooling in shelf by cooling the meat quicker showing product saving on energy usage while the form of ice which can later be used results of up to five days more shelf life. also increasing production potential at during peak times when the electrical grid the facility and extending product shelf is under strain and tariffs are as much as CONCLUSION life too. three times higher than standard periods. These plants require very little Evaporative cooled condensing maintenance, however, to be on the reduces COP from a traditional air-cooled CLIENT FEEDBACK approach by 35%. Electronic expansion As soon as the system went live the a month with a service level agreement valves ensure that suction pressures are client was able to increase production being signed to keep it running for as high as possible without having liquid by moving product through the cooling decades to come. safer side this unit will be inspected once COLD LINK AFRICA • CLA January/February 2020