Cold Link Africa January / February 2020 | Page 30
Safety Compliance –
CoC misinformation could be costly
By John Ackermann
Why is there so much legislation governing the design, installation, maintenance and repair of
refrigeration and air conditioning systems?
he Pressure Equipment Regulation injury. The legal requirement of the PER is
(PER), SANS10147, OSH Act and clear. All persons that perform any task
SANS 347 are just some of the associated with the pressured circuit
regulations relevant to the pressurised of a R & A/C plant must be registered
circuit of R & A/C plant and systems. The by SAQCC Gas for the task which they
regulations all have a common goal – perform. The skills needed for such tasks
to protect people and property where are clearly set out in annexure D of
refrigeration facilities are located. SANS10147 edition 5.
Personal injury and property damage
A further requirement is the issue of a
could result from a sudden release of a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) by those
toxic refrigerant or freeze injury to human that perform any task on the pressurised
tissue, explosion, fire from vapour on hot circuit. The CoC is a declaration that
surface or flying debris from fractured the tasks were done by a registered
piping or vessels. Each plant, depending person and done in accordance with
on its location and/or refrigerant charge, the requirements of the PER. A copy is
irrespective of size, has potential hazards. handed to the owner of the plant and
Unfortunately, accidents have no the original held by the issuer.
boundaries and limits to time.
Adhering to good operating
It is of importance to note that a CoC
is also required after any service work
procedures and compliance with is done or just the replacement of a
safety standards, which only comes component if it involves opening of the
from proper training, dilutes the hazards pressurised circuit.
associated with R & A/C systems. It
The PER also requires that each plant
is well known, that most recorded be certified as being compliant with the
personal injuries and damage to technical requirements of SANS10147.
property from R & A/C systems could As to the level of certification and the
have been prevented by personnel parties involved in the certification is
following safety standards and a stricter defined in SANS 347. The determining
enforcement of regulations. factor can in some installations be
Without enforcement, the untrained
summarised briefly as the largest
are able to operate alongside the diameter of piping in the system. As
trained, to create unfair trading an example, it could be the size of the
conditions and run the risk of personal discharge header in a packaged unit
Certification of compliance with SANS 10147 is often thought to be only applicable to
industrial plants charged with ammonia.
that will determine whether an AIA The registration in category B authorises
is required to issue the certificate of the holder to issue a Certificate of
conformity or not. Conformity for installation maintenance
The problem that causes total
and/or repairs. For a category B to
confusion in the field is that the issue a certificate to certify that an
certificate of technical compliance installation is compliant with the technical
relating to the construction and requirements of SANS10147 and SANS 347,
makeup of the plant is also referred to such a person will require further expertise
as a CoC. The certificate of compliance and a much higher level of training.
in accordance with SANS 347 in most
instances does not consist of a single
document but has several sections such
as piping certificates, pressure vessel
certificates, weld X-ray certificates,
design calculations for piping, selection
of safety pressure relief valves.
The final certificate is to certify
that all the mentioned certificates
and other items including operating
manuals and recommended safety
procedures have been completed
Without enforcement,
the untrained are able
to operate alongside
the trained, to
create unfair trading
conditions and run the
risk of personal injury.
and in the possession of the contractor
or service provider. The owner of the Many plants that should have a
plant may also require a complete set certificate of compliance with the
of documents. Companies that provide technical are operating without due
risk cover for installations will require the to the cost involved in compiling such
certificate of (technical) compliance as a certificate and the lack of person
a minimum and may even have further available to issue such certificate.
As to the level of competency
Reference to SANS 0347 will define the required level of compliance certification of
packaged equipment charged with synthetic refrigerants, for example R507.
Sadly, if any accident or injury should
occur as a result of any failure of the
required of the person that issues the plant or improper use, heavy penalties
certificate of compliance with the will be imposed during any subsequent
statutory technical requirement is often investigation by the Department of
seen to be a practitioner registered in Labour, which always occurs after such
category B. incidences.
January/February 2020