Thermal imagers can also be used to
detect the following:
Worn-out contactors and relays: heats
up as contacts wear out.
Overloaded circuits (especially on
three-phase): it is easy to see if a load
is unbalanced.
Poor electrical connections: will create
higher resistance and heat/fire that
can be prevented.
The expansion valve as seen through the thermal imaging camera.
Fan motors: will show heat before
A Bitzer compressor as seen through the thermal imager.
create heat before seizing.
McEneaney-Nel believes that every defects. These can range from loose Mechanical parts will either generate heat
HVAC&R company should have one contacts or overloaded circuits to faulty or transport it. In a similar way, potential
of these imagers. It’s not only useful for contactors and relays. A thermal imager defects can be detected while the system
maintenance but can add great value can detect aforementioned anomalies is in full operation. The condition of motors,
to commissioning too. “In Europe, every without contact and during operation, expansion valves, and compressors can
professional has one of these — it’s the before downtimes can even occur. easily be assessed.
norm. But for South Africa it’s still a bit
Misaligned belts: belt will heat up from
• Poor insulation in cold rooms.
• Can detect condensed liquid columns
in large installations where gas is
supposed to flow.
Can very quickly measure condenser
and evaporator temperatures.
slow on the uptake.” He is hoping that by
Worn-out bearings and pulleys: will
Compressors that have leaking valves
will heat up.
familiarising students with the tool, they will
motivate its necessity to their companies
Any additional moving mechanical
parts that are not lubricated or worn
and increase its popularity locally.
out will generate heat.
A large part of heating energy is lost
Testo South Africa
wants to assist
the local HVAC&R
industry in
functioning better.
through poorly insulated walls, roofs,
and windows. Effective insulation
therefore not only saves costs, but
also protects the environment through
lower CO 2 emissions. Thermography
is a method for checking the actual
condition of buildings and the potential
for energy savings. Both hidden weak
spots and implementation defects can
be detected non-destructively, and
their causes determined. The detection
“The strength of the thermal camera
of these defects applies to the electrical
technology is that it is not limited to a
and mechanical sections of heating
insulation checks.
Overheated connections in a control
cabinet indicate potential or actual
specific list of applications since new
and cooling systems, along with
applications are found all the time,” says
OTTC training manager Martin McEneaney-Nel showing students how the new thermal
imager works. From left: Juan de Beer; Ntokozo Gosani; Moses Shongwe; Martin; Christelle
van Schalkwyk; Nare Piet Mashala; and Andre Pretorius.
Steenkamp. “This is especially true of the
HVAC&R industry where all we deal with is
moving parts and heat transfer.”