Cold Link Africa January/February 2019 | Page 27

EVENTS AND EXHIBITIONS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN Continued from page 25 Getting to know the skills in dairy farming. The process of cheese-making and taking care of the cows were of great interest. Jireh also farms with sheep, pigs, grain, and macadamia nuts. The makeshift farmyard on the playing field had a continuous stream of pupils, all keen on following a career in agriculture. GEA Africa had transport refrigeration units on display and told pupils of the many skills needed to keep refrigerated vehicles serviced, the units installed, routes planned, and performance tracked. Farming equipment such as separators and milking machines also feature in the GEA range of equipment. Spar Freshline demonstrated the skills of baking, while M&R Marketing Delegation from Spar, from left: Mike Wood, Leonore and Larry Vertue, and Lisa Boonzaier. of Epping gave insight into the selling of fresh fruit. GRW answered several questions about their vehicle manufacturing plant at Worcester and spoke about the difficulty in finding the many hands-on skills required because of very few young people wanting to follow such a career. The atmosphere at the festival was vibrant and it quickened the heartbeat of pupils and employers alike, all ready and keen to develop the skills that would drive the economy. Unlike so many spoken about great plans to reduce the high unemployment among young people, FutureMe is clearly about action. CLA Tex Teixeira of M&R Marketing (middle) with a group from Zisukhanyo School. COLD LINK AFRICA • January/February 2019 27