Cold Link Africa Janaury | February 2024 | Page 22

Desuperheater recovers heat of rejection from the compressors .
The Omni allows the customer to view and analyse historical data that includes operating pressures , temperatures as well as energy consumption . The system is monitored remotely via the GEA OmniLink , which forms part of GEA ’ s focus on sustainability , digitalisation and product quality ,” says Kleb .
The electrical starter and control panels were installed in a separate MCC room , airconditioned with an evaporator coil operating from the chilled glycol system . The compressor drive motors , condenser fans and glycol pumps were all fitted with variable speed drives . This was to reduce the startup current of the equipment and optimise the efficiency of the compressors and condensers at low load conditions and to manage the huge load swings associated with cooling in processing facilities .
Each of the Grasso reciprocating compressors is fitted with a GEA GORP-R I / O panel that is connected to the Omni system control panel . The operating conditions – suction temperature , oil temperature and pressure , cylinder discharge ( head ) temperature of each compressor – is monitored . The compressor operating data with the number of stop and starts is used to calculate the compressor service intervals as opposed to an hourly accumulation method .
A weather station was installed to monitor the ambient conditions for floating discharge pressure control .
Kleb continues with detail of the carcass chillers : “ The configuration of the new carcass chillers installed at East London Abattoir differs somewhat to that of standard carcass chillers in South Africa . For the air cooler design and layouts , we consulted with our GEA colleagues in Europe . GEA Africa is in the privileged position that we can call on the GEA global pool of expertise for various cooling applications . The design emphasis was on minimising weight loss and ensuring the final meat quality .
“ The new carcass chillers at East London Abattoir were equipped with what are referred to as AU ( Abattoir Unit ) air coolers . These coolers are ceiling mount units fitted with cowlings , blowing vertically down onto the carcasses . This configuration allows the installation of more coolers for more capacity and air volumes . The suction conditions and fin spacing were optimised to negate defrosting during the cooling period .
These energy storage tanks serve more than one purpose , the most important being to prevent pumps from stopping and starting i . e ., to keep the flow rate constant and remove and reduce erratic control .

22 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za COLD LINK AFRICA • January / February 2024