Cold Link Africa Jan/Feb 2017 | Page 47

on higher levels , and to
0 ° C . Frost heave —
Grabouw installation , the advantages of
increase rack strength .
caused by moisture
using mobiles in fruit stores have become
Another challenge
freezing under the floor
apparent . More expensive than ‘ fixed
arose when packed fruit
— is not good for mobiles ,
selective ’ or ‘ drive in ’, mobiles can
stores remained in use
and recent installations
increase the practical capacity of a
for extended periods .
have underfloor insulation
store by up to 75 % or 80 % while still giving
Improved ventilation
and heater mats to make
immediate access to every pallet . If
in the mobiles allowed
sure this doesn ’ t happen .
the total cost of a proposed fruit store is
packed fruit to be chilled
divided by the practical pallet capacity ,
Mobile rails with reinforcing before the concrete is poured .
and store temperatures were reduced to around
Mobile racking today Sixteen years after the
the mobile option can be surprisingly competitive .
Recently , mobiles have been installed
in smaller stores , two and three pallets in
the height with capacities of less than 450
pallets . Moving aisles have been widened
to allow for the use of counterbalanced
trucks and pallet bays extended , allowing
the placement of three pallets on the
longer 1 200mm side . Maximum pallet
weights have increased to in excess of
1 300kg and storing five pallets in the
height is now possible .
Pallet heights have increased with the
standard now set at 2 450mm for a high
cube pallet , making the top beam height
for four pallets 8 479mm .
Smaller South African fruit store with three pallet levels on mobile racks .
Fruit store manager at a mobile base .

COLD LINK AFRICA • January | February 2017 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 47