Cold Link Africa Jan/Feb 2017 | Page 15

Continued from page 13
distributors and even body builders like African Bodies .
motivating factors for optimising cold chain operations . The group broke into smaller sub-groups to share ideas and discuss before feeding back to the greater workshop what the ‘ team ’ had
Challenges in the industry
come up with .
The group discussed various challenges
The list was long , including everything
facing the cold chain logistics industry in
from customer satisfaction and cost
South Africa , including the issue that the
savings to environmental responsibility and
industry needs to take responsibility for
energy saving .
regulation , as it won ’ t be driven by the
The issue was raised that in South
government .
Africa ( like most of Africa ) we ’ re still just
The issue of education was raised and
hoping to get the product there and on
emphasised the need for a cold chain
temperature ; we haven ’ t reached the
module at university level .
stage where we try to optimise — our
The group also discussed the use of
problems are much bigger still .
telematics : is the market ready for new
The groups presented solutions for
and sophisticated solutions ? Not everyone was convinced . We have the technology available , but there seems to be a lot of resistance in the local market to this , mostly because of price and the fact that people aren ’ t skilled enough to use it .
Optimising cold chain operations The discussion then moved on to
optimisation , such as addressing the shortage of skills by improving education possibilities , and working with regulators to raise the bar with regard to body manufacturing and standards . But the issue isn ’ t just educating the industry — there is a need for the end-user to start insisting on better quality , driving the change and demanding value for money .
After the afternoon break , talks moved to outsourcing partners and opportunities for vertical and horizontal co-operation , with the groups discussing possible examples of these .
Durban and Cape Town The Durban workshop followed the next day at the Garden Court South
as current operations of service providers , retailers and suppliers . Thank you for this experience !”
GIZ has promised to follow up on some of the discussion items , such as driver training and certification , and will give feedback during its next project steering committee .
Process distribution Before lunch , the discussion moved towards core process management and the importance thereof . The trainers ’ advice : start simple .
After an enjoyable lunch where everyone was eager to receive advice from their German guests , all returned to the conference room to continue the discussion on process distribution , using Burger King as an example .
The trainers shared examples of how they do things in Germany and what works there . There they even have their drivers do the offloading ! A definite nono here because of safety and labour relations .
Beach , with Cape Town on 7 October at Lagoon Beach Hotel , Milnerton . The workshops followed the same format as in Johannesburg , and the industry put their heads together in an attempt to improve cold chain efficiencies across the board .
From GIZ “ We have very much enjoyed the positive atmosphere , lively discussion , and exchange of thoughts and ideas on operations in the cold chain sector ,” said Schuster afterwards . “ During the workshops and when visiting some of your companies , the trainers had a great chance for insights to South Africa ’ s cold chain community , the challenges , as well
R290 The field trial of the joint venture between Transfrig and GIZ on the R290 prototype successfully kicked off on 29 November last year at Transfrig ’ s premises in Linbro Park , Johannesburg .
“ I ’ d like to thank everyone involved for their valuable contributions ,” said Schuster .
The next step is for Transfrig and GIZ to approach suitable customers for an extended field trial with 10 units in January / February 2017 .
Test chamber update The testing facility to measure the thermal performance of refrigerated vehicles in South Africa at the SABS has been built
and is in commissioning phase . SANS 1744 has been drafted to
standardise the testing of refrigerated
vehicles in South Africa and be similar to
that of the ATP agreement . It is currently
out for public comment and will hopefully
be published soon .
The official launch event has been
earmarked for 2017 ( presumably early
April ), but we will keep you posted .
1 . The R290 trial unit .
2 . The group who attended the Cape Town workshop .
3 . The trainers during their Johannesburg session : Konstantin Schüssler ( left ) and Prof . Dr Michael Huth .

COLD LINK AFRICA • January | February 2017 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 15