Cold Link Africa Cold Link AfricaOctober 2018_digital | Page 29

PROJECT INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN 1 6 2 7 1. The operating conditions of the plant can be viewed on a monitor in the plant room or in the office of the plant manager. 2. Bettafresh, one of the brand names of BM Food Manufacturers. 3. Doorways are fitted with strip curtains to maintain space temperatures. 4. A production area on the upper level with a fresh-air intake. 5. The LT room can operate as a blast freezer or low-temperature cold store. 6. All the instant electric water heaters for hand washing have been replaced with washers fed with water heated by the CO 2 plant. 7. Collapsible trays reduce storage space. 3 4 5 COLD LINK AFRICA • October 2018 29