Cold Link Africa Cold Link Africa_Sept_digital | Page 9

#FRIGAIR2018 INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN (chief operating officer and head of media). I was so excited, I must have been speaking even faster than usual! I was so thankful that they were at the show. They came all the way from Belgium, and that a mere week before the massive ATMO Americas event. After another quick outfit change, I was off to the Bitzer birthday celebrations at the Midrand Protea Hotel, where I pretty much saw all the same people I’d been hanging out with at the show all day. It was a lovely, intimate function with festive balloons and cake in the Bitzer colours (green and black). But I was exhausted. And after John Ackermann convinced me to first drive him and Marius La Grange back to their guest house, I finally headed home for a few hours’ sleep before having to report for the breakfast events in the morning. lot to get to the venue, I really feared that nobody would show up. But I had nothing to be scared of. The event was a great success. After the event, I walked further down the path that is Gallagher’s showgrounds to follow some more signs to the official exhibitor’s function. What an amazing sight to see my team dressed in their blue shirts, welcoming me with high fives and a beer. It felt like coming home! It was so nice to hang out with exhibitors, organisers, and my col