Cold Link Africa Cold Link Africa_Sept_digital | Page 3
ISSN 2412-7779
VOL. 03 - NO. 02 | SEPTEMBER 2018
Continued on page
3 Editor’s column 6 #myFRIGAIR – an (in) complete account
5 Serco Johannesburg expands service facility 23 #FRIGAIR2018 official exhibitors review
5 Bitzer heads to West Africa HVAC Expo 38 Lucky readers win
39 SAIRAC’s free-to-attend seminars a hit!
44 Products
Word search
World Refrigeration Day announced as 26 June
11 First HPMP roadshow kicks off with a bang
43 Chillventa 2018: what to expect
t was a special moment when the
ASHRAE president (who had flown in
from the US to officially charter the
South African chapter) proclaimed that
we had set the standard for new
chapters. She was impressed by the
‘can-do attitude’ of all the associations
and HVAC&R role players she met during
her trip to South Africa and proclaimed
the future of the charter “bright” as she
welcomed us to the ASHRAE family.
During the event, I was in awe not only
of the prestigious international guests in our
midst, but also the ‘legends’ of the local
refrigeration and air-conditioning industry
who had made the effort to attend the
launch in July. It really was the cream of
the crop and I felt proud to be a part of it.
Once again, we had no reason to stand
back for the rest of the world.
Increasingly so this year, I have
noticed the role that South Africa’s
professionals has to play on the global
field. Not only has ASHRAE reached
out to us, shecco also saw value in
our market as it hosted Africa’s first
ATMOsphere networking event during
FRIGAIR (read more in the July/August
edition). shecco now has plans for more
events in future after being overwhelmed
by the positive response they received
upon their first visit.
I regularly have role players from
across the world connect with me on
LinkedIn and comment on our stories,
expressing interest in our market and its
activities. We not only set the bar but
raise it continuously with our impressive
project designs and innovative solutions
to the often-bespoke challenges of the
African climate.
Especially after this year’s FRIGAIR
expo, it became more apparent than
ever that this industry is in fact ‘world-
class’. We truly put on a first-rate show
and the feedback from exhibitors and
visitors alike have been overwhelmingly
positive. People from around the world
have commented on the quality and the
value of the show — making me so, so
proud to have been a part of the show
(as well as the industry).
In the previous edition, we already
highlighted some of the amazing events
that took place during the exhibition
and this month we continue with the
official post-show edition. With so much
to see and so much to do, it is hard to
put together a comprehensive guide to
FRIGAIR 2018. But here follows an honest
attempt. See who exhibited this year
and what they had to offer, in the official
exhibitors’ review (page 23).
But this wasn’t all in terms of big
industry events. The Monday after
FRIGAIR, the long-awaited HPMP
roadshows finally kicked off in Midrand,
taking a panel of ‘world-class’ speakers
around the country to talk all things
refrigerant phase out/down (page 11).
This year is also a Chillventa year again
and I’m super excited (and privileged) to
be all booked and ready for the show in
Nuremberg in October. I’d love to meet
up at the show and see what is on the
stand — so let me know if you are going.
In the meantime, check out the official
Chillventa preview article on page 43.
We may have our challenges like any
other industry and sure, the economy
isn’t making things easy for anyone
right now … But in the end, this is an
incredible industry that can compete
with professionals in any other country.
Be proud to be a part of it — I am.
May September bring new
opportunities and a ‘bright future’ all
What is happening in your world this
month? CLA
COLD LINK AFRICA • September 2018
Ilana Koegelenberg
Editor | [email protected]