Cold fusion, Tesla, Scalar wave, Torsion field, "Free energy" Analysis of Controversial Claims including.. | Page 3
Contents: * mark shows most controversial/ques7onable issues
• p06 Science accepted high efficiency generators & free energy harvesters
• p75 Solar, Wind, & Hydro power efficiency beyond official science limit
p99 SAll under-uAlized vast Biomass, Waste-to-Energy, & Hydrocarbons
• p148 Ten categories of inventors' seeming “over-unity” claims
• p183 CommercializaAon aPempts
• p194 Law of Thermodynamics interpretaAons, “Dissident” scienAsts
• p197 Scalar energy, Standing wave resonance, Torsion field
p242 BioenergeAc Torsion Field?: Remote View, MarAal Art, Mentalists, Qigong..
• p287 "Copy & Paste" by Torsion/Scalar, Terahertz, & FIR waves, Photo Catalysis,
p304 Highly anomalous ORMUS
• p321 LENR/Cold Fusion update, Losers & Gainers by its success
• p336 Reduced suppressions, energy paradigm smooth transiAon models
• p346 Radical impact of accepAng inventor tech: Medical, Industrial, Gravity..
• p387 *Tech disclosure impact on mainstream credibility on other issues
• p407 *ZPE related outrageous claims & controversial tech lobby accusaAons
• p488 Free Energy Summary/RecommendaAons sAll thought as far-fetched -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada