Science Valid “Free Energy” 11 Power Line Syphoning
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY;
Micro Energy Harvesters:
4 RF Wave Harvester:
• Crystal radio set up(one popular type is antenna coil and induc2ve tuning
coil[no antenna is also possible], speaker is usable without outside power)
has wide band harves2ng capability & many home made large device can
have much higher than micro device harves2ng capability.
• Some focus on increasing power by Ultra-broadband EM induc2on or Piezo-
Electromagne2c or mul2ple vibra2on mode EM induc2on, etc(EnerBee+)
• HIGH VOLTAGE POWER LINE scavenging: Near field high power line's EM
field flux directly or, Addi2onally genera2ng vibra2on with interac2on of
device magnet with EM field to harvest extra energy from piezoelectric
effect(Hosseinimehr & Tabesh+) etc, for self powered electric current
transmission monitoring purpose: mostly Wireless Powerline
Sensor(Sen.ent Energy IBOLT, USi Power Donut+), low power amp
working(Aclara Tollgrade LightHouse), or advanced monitoring(INCON
GridSense Line IQ, Lindsey Transmission Line Monitor+): This applica2on is
full mainstream use in some regions/industry power monitoring segments
while almost none in others