Coinslot International 14 June 2013.2320 | Page 32

32 Coinslot June 14 - June 20 , 2013


Email : jw @ sjc . co . uk
DATES ANNOUNCED FOR DEAL 2014 vents organiser


International Expo
Consults has confirmed that the DEAL show in Dubai , UAE , will take place on April 8-10 , 2014 . DEAL 2014 will once again be held at the Dubai World Trade Center . Abdul Rahman Falaknaz , chairman of IEC , said there is “ renewed energy ” within the industry and that the Middle East region will soon see the “ state-of-the-art ” amusement and entertainment products that were showcased at the event earlier this year .

Cedar Fair president to deliver IAAPA keynote

M att Ouimet , president and CEO of Cedar Fair , will share his thoughts on the theme parks and amusements industry at the forthcoming IAAPA Attractions Expo .

IAAPA has confirmed that Ouimet will deliver the keynote address at the general managers and owners ’ breakfast at this year ’ s IAAPA Attractions Expo on November 20 .
Ouimet will discuss his

T and Hobby Association ’ s ( BTHA ) AGM and Industry Day will take place at Great Fosters Hotel , Egham , Surrey , on Wednesday , June 26 . The day will begin with the BTHA AGM , which will then be followed by the annual Toy Industry Day , which is open to BTHA members as well as retailers , licensors and other industry associated representatives . The Industry Day will begin at

leadership strategy , share his thoughts on developing young professional talent , and outline his vision for the future of the theme parks and amusements industry .
Ouimet is a 20-year veteran of the attractions industry , spending 17 years with the Walt Disney Company in a variety of roles including president of the Disneyland Resort . He also served in a variety of other business development and financial positions during his employment with Disney , including president of Disney Cruise Line and executive general manager of Disney Vacation Club .
Prior to joining Cedar Fair , Ouimet served as president of Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide and as president and chief operating officer of Corinthian Colleges .
10am and will feature presentations from a leading retail speaker , motivational speaker Phil Hesketh - a specialist in the psychology of persuasion and influence and there will also be an introduction to sustainability and how it
can positively impact companies ’ bottom line , from Jae Mather , sustainability director at HW Fisher . The industry day will conclude with drinks and a chance to network with industry colleagues and a two-course lunch in Great Fosters ’ atmospheric Tithe Barn .
THEME PARKS : CUBED n his latest sculpture

I project , James Dive of The Glue Society has compacted an entire fun fair - including rides , dodgems and even prizes - into a four-metre cube . The work , entitled Once , is on show at Scultpture by the Sea in Aarhus , Denmark , until July 1 .

17-19 BALPPA Summer Conference Chessington World Of Adventures Surrey UK www . balppa . org 26 BACTA National Council Meeting Hippodrome Casino London UK www . bacta . org
3-5 British Destinations Annual Conference Cultural Centre / Park Inn Southend-on-Sea UK www . britishdestinations . co . uk
4-7 Asian Attractions Expo 2013 Sands Expo & Convention Centre Singapore www . iaapa . org / AsianAttractionsExpo 26-27 International Bowl Expo Trade Show Las Vegas Convention Centre Las Vegas US www . bowlexpo . com
EDITORIAL Editor : Alex Lee Email : al @ sjc . co . uk Tel : 01204 396 397 Assistant Editor : James Walker Email : jw @ sjc . co . uk Tel : 01204 396 397 Managing Editor : Ken Scott Email : ks @ sjc . co . uk Tel : 01273 699 900 ADVERTISING SALES Kathryn Norris Email : knorris @ gbmedia . eu Tel : 01204 396 397 Fax : 01204 392 748 SUBSCRIPTIONS Sarah Haworth Tel : 01204 396 397 DIGITAL VERSION Marc Lawton Email : mlawton @ gbmedia . eu Tel : 01204 396 397 PRODUCTION Designer : Gina Lloyd Email : gl @ sjc . co . uk Ad Production & Pre-Press : Dave Roderick Email : gdk @ sjc . co . uk PUBLISHER Director : John Sullivan GB Media Corporation Ltd , Bolton Technology Exchange , 33 Queensbrook , Bolton BL1 4AY
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