To our beloved reader,
If I was under the supposition that there was even slight possibility that you did not enjoy this magazine,
I would speak the shallow words “I hope you enjoyed this magazine.” Contrary, I know you did, so I
feel no obligation to the phrase.
Let me take a moment to tell you why you enjoyed it so much. In case you weren't under suspicion, we
are in fact not Yale professors, florists, or graduates of Spillville Department of Instruction (or as Angel
argues Deparment of Boredom). We are high school juniors enrolled in the cut-throat arena of AP
Language and Composition, a class that has an infamous history of head-throbbing essay prompts,
stacks in the hundreds of vocabulary words, and reading excerpts that must be read at least five times
before attaining a slight suggestion of what the author was talking about .
However, we are different. Instead of the monotony that so many experience in high school english, we
are blessed with a class of fifteen creative, heart-felt, and gifted young people who amaze me every day
in their ability to turn the tedium of english into something so much more. Unlike those cryptic essay
prompts, we receive relevant writing experiences (like this one), allowing a vessel for creativity and
growth. Instead of those vocab flashcards, we play games with them. We have journals twice a week in
which a member of the class leads a presentation on a particular topic, and then presents relevant
(usually thought-provoking) questions; we write, discuss, laugh, secure the security (wait, what?), and
sometimes cry (thank you, Cynthia). We read books such as Walden (who is not a person), The Scarlet
Letter, and Their Eyes Were Watching God, and discuss why they matter. Beyond the boredom, our
class is replete with laughter and love; it has been a joy to work with them.
And then there's Spillman. Our teacher. Instead of lectures, our pots are filled with funny stories of
Spillman's teenage and college years. Above the mainstream teacher, he is a father to us, and instills his
comforting nature and affectionate charisma into the everyday classroom. He communicates every day
that he is much more than an english teacher; he is a friend. While he is only in his fourth year of
teaching, he is the epidemy of an excellent teacher—the state picked up on this when evaluating him
with a perfect score. He offers a perfect balance between a challenge and a positive experience. He is
the foundation of the success in our classroom.
Ultimately, we are not your average english class. We find meaning in everything, from the old classics
to the classics we create on our own. If you are an educator and reading this, we hope that someday we
can instill the same gifts in other’s lives, the gifts you give every day—knowledge, which extends into
power; hope which extends into life; happiness which extends into joy. This magazine is our first
attempt at that, and it will certainly not be the last.
And that's why you liked it.
Jack Davis, Editor
Jack Davis is head of the Street Department in Spillville because there are no streets in Spillville.