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contains top secret information
Since the beginning
of the nineteenth century, the fiery debate of UFO
existence has raged on. What began with meager rumors and supposed sightings led to
hordes of fanatics and thousands of believers. With the assistance of the media, these
alleged “Unidentified Flying Objects” were labeled as alien spacecraft’s arriving from
galaxies far away. Over time, a considerable amount of the populous has been led to
believe these assumptions. The real question is: Are U.F.O.s real or not? I believe that U.F.O.s
are real in the non-extraterrestrial sense, based on multiple events and a considerable
amount of credible evidence.
The first source of evidence I found on U.F.O. Existence concerned a recent occurrence in
Denver, Colorado. A local photographer (remaining anonymous for publicity concerns) was
taking nature shots when he noticed an odd projectile appearing in several of his images.
Fascinated by his findings, the man decided to record a video, in an attempt capture the
enigmatic spectacle on film. His camera, being a standard issue, functioned at
approximately 24 frames per second when recording a video, therefore, should not have
had any problem capturing appropriate footage. The photographer was astounded to find
that the projectile appeared on only 4 out 24 frames! This means that the object was moving
at near-supersonic speeds! After collecting all of the evidence, the man immediately
reported his findings to the local news station, Fox 31. Heidi Hemmat, one of Fox 31's reporters
reviewed the evidence and stated, "That is not an airplane, that is not a helicopter, those are