Satanic Cult or Brotherly Fraternity?
Freemasonry Uncovered
Freemasonry has been rumored to be a conspiracy driven cult for centuries
now, but is that the truth?
After researching and really digging
Masons of California website, actual masons
deep on which conspiracies theories are
give their reasoning behind why they joined,
associated with Freemasonry; I've conclusively their goals, and also even recruit new members.
discovered that most, if not all, assumptions
“We strive to educate and engage our
blaming The Masonic Lodges for crimes are members, helping them achieve personal
completely ridiculous. Some of these such
growth and excel both inside and outside
crimes were the assassinations of JFK, Princess the Fraternity” With this recognized, it's clear
Diane, and Lincoln, the creation of the New
to see that the intentions of the Fraternity are
World Order, the corruption of the government, clearly not associated with any type of crime.
being affiliated with the Illuminati, and also
The fraternities offer numerous scholarships,
numerous other plans said end with taking over and support organizations like raising a reader
the world. With every example noted, there was to help motivate people to making the most of
no true evidence of any correlation between the themselves and pursuing their education to the
Freemasons and the actual crimes or attempts fullest ex [