The scenario that was just described to you are the typical actions of a vampire. Vampires, as
we all know, are said to be pale-faced individuals with an extreme desire for human blood. Also,
these demons are said to only dwell at night. Any exposure to light can potentially kill them. But
in reality, such a demon does not exist. Any logical thinking individual can conclude that without
proper evidence, such demons cannot exist. When studying the mathematical and scientific facts
about this demon that everyone wants to be real, one is left with no choice but to declare this
demon as a non-existing one.
“On Jan 1, 1600, the human population was 536,870,911. If the first vampire came into existence
that day and bit one person a month, there would have been two vampires by Feb. 1, 1600. A
month later there would have been four, and so on. In just two and a half years the original
human population would all have become vampires with nobody left to feed on (Goudarzi, Sara).”
When dwelling upon mathematical facts like this, one is left with no option but to conclude that
vampires are not real. Vampires are said to feed on the blood of humans and other animals
(mainly cows). So if this idea is true, vampires would have eventually bitten every human on
earth, and in turn “taken over the world”. As we all know, vampires do not rule the world. So it is
only logical to conclude that the blood-sucking creature we all WANT to be real, is just a fake in
reality. To further establish my point, there are even more pieces of scientific evidence to prove
that vampires do not exist. As we all know, vampires cannot be exposed to sunlight. Well, there
is scientific information that suggest why this may occur in some people. “There are a variety of
illnesses that affect people on a regular basis keeping them indoors at all times – such as forms of
Porphyria. (Relatively Interesting)” This scientific information can counteract the idea that only
vampires cannot be exposed to sunlight. There are humans, who are actual real humans, that can
possess illnesses that prevent them from being able to handle sunlight and other forms of light.
Not only are there illnesses that prevent people from being able to handle light exposure, but
there are also illnesses that cause people to crave iron-rich foods, such as rarely cooked meat that
contains iron-rich blood in it. “Those suffering from Iron-deficiency Porphyria could experience
cravings for iron-rich foods – such as meat and blood. (Relatively Interesting)” This fact supports
the idea that some of the reported vampire “blood-sucking” incidents may have been a result of
iron-deficiency Porphyria. Thusly eliminating the idea that only vampires crave or have a taste
for blood.
Conditions such as hematodipsia, and hemeralopia exist as well. Hematodipsia is a rare sexual
illness that causes people to have an unique desire for blood as a sexual turn on. This illness is
one that explains why some humans may prefer a little blood in their diet. But even with this
being true, they are not vampires. Hemeralopia, on the other hand, is an illness that can explain
why some humans cannot handle light exposure well. Hermeralopia is the inability to see clearly
when exposed to light. People with this condition avoid lighted areas as much as possible. So my
question now is this are these people vampires?