Equally important, no one knows if the 9/11 incident was designed by our own government or the
original Osama Bin Laden terrorist attack on the US. Nevertheless, some members of
the Illuminati seem to know the real cause of the most terrible day in American history.
He, the former member of the Illuminati; says that there is not enough information to
call this a “inside job”. The collapse of the tower may seem to make it look like an
“inside job”, but there is plenty of evidence to put the blame on Osama Bin Laden. The
member also claimed that Bush was intending on this to happen so he could have a
reason to move in on the oil-rich Iraq. This would seem very awful if this were to be the
real reason for his motives, to all those families that lost their loved ones to that war and 9/11 incident.
Still, the Illuminati has plenty of information on the Web to ensure that people know about them. The
Illuminati illustrates “puppets” everywhere in our daily lives; these “puppets” are the main celebrities that we
know and love. People like Obama, George Bush, Jay Z, Kanye West, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Lebron James, Lady
Gaga, Michael Jackson, and Tupac. These individuals may seem good on the screen but they are suppose to be
the face of the Illuminati that
draws people closer to them. Why do
you think that more teenagers
want to be actors and rappers instead
of doctors and lawyers? These
people are everywhere on the TV, on
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,
and Tumblr. It's a plethora of symbols
and signs of the Illuminati.
Such as: the all-seeing eye on the Taco
Bell bell, on the one dollar bill,
and on some of the Catholic Churches.
Is it the okay symbol that they
hold up or the first 6 in 666? Is it the
Roc symbol that Jay Z and Kanye hold up or the all-seeing eye sign?
Lastly, the Illuminati is a secret society that was created back in the 18th century that opposed the
Catholic Church. As time progressed, they wanted to be more than a secret society. They wanted to rule the
world, by establishing New World Order. Adding to that, they even know about the terrible 9/11 incident, and
who was responsible. We as a people look up to the Illuminati's “puppets” as being sweet and innocent
individuals. So is the Illuminati fact or fiction?