I was raised in Bavaria but thanks to my father I had a different accent than the local Bavarian . I was singled out for it and queried about my origins almost on a daily basis because I did not fit in linguistically . Refugees from the Sudetenland were occasionally called foreigners and I learned soon what it felt like to be different even when you did not receive discriminatory behaviour .
I was ready to leave for Hamburg , the North where they spoke ‘ proper ’ German , but to them I was clearly from the South and I wasn ’ t quite home there either . Now I live in the UK as a German , half my life spent as a different type of alien .
I have always been confronted with stereotypes and the concept of being different , based on place of birth and language and have examined why neither place nor Nation has managed to make me feel part of it .
Here are some quotes from the six 5 STAR Reviews so far : a marvellous and well-crafted story about the trials and tribulations of one family , about loyalty , about human failings , and the inner strength it takes to get through difficult times .
won ’ t be easily or readily forgotten pulls the reader in pulls at our heart strings , and keeps us glued to the page
Would I read it again – Yes Plot – Well organised and developed , keeps you interested Characters – Funny , intriguing , excellently developed Movie Potential – Yes Very easy to read and enjoy