Coffeeshop Author Talk Magazine CAT Maagazine August 2013 | Page 10

About this author

About this author

Christoph Fischer was born in Germany , near the Austrian border , as the son of a Sudeten- German father and a Bavarian mother . Not a full local in the eyes and ears of his peers he developed an ambiguous sense of belonging and home in Bavaria , which has led to his interest in the concept of Nations , individuals and communal culture , some of the central themes of ‘ The Three Nations Trilogy ’.
He moved to Hamburg , London , Brighton and Bath , where he is still resident today . ‘ The Luck of The Weissensteiners ’ is his first book and was published in November 2012 . ‘ Sebastian ’ in May 2013 . He has written several other novels which are in the later stages of editing and finalisation .
Author Website http :// www . christophfischerbooks . com / His Book Recommendations : http :// writerchristophfischer . wordpress . com /
Christoph Fischer on Facebook : http :// www . facebook . com / WriterChristophFischer ? ref = hl http :// www . facebook . com / TheLuckOfTheWeissensteiners ? ref = hl http :// www . facebook . com / pages / Sebastian / 489427467776001 ? ref = hl
My profile on Goodreads : http :// www . goodreads . com / author / show / 6590171 . Christoph _ Fischer http :// www . goodreads . com / book / show / 16177343-the-luck-of-the-weissensteiners
http :// www . goodreads . com / book / show / 17834808-sebastian
Amazon US : http :// www . amazon . com / Christoph-Fischer / e / B00CLO9VMQ / ref = sr _ ntt _ srch _ lnk _ 1 ? qid = 1372133796 & sr = 8-1 http :// www . amazon . com / Weissensteiners-Three-Nations-Trilogy-ebook / dp / B00AFQC4QC / ref = sr _ 1 _ 2 ? ie = UTF 8 & qid = 1361292311 & sr = 8-2 & keywords = luck + of + the + weissensteiners http :// www . amazon . com / Sebastian-Three ...
Amazon UK : http :// www . amazon . co . uk / Christoph-Fischer / e / B00CLO9VMQ / ref = sr _ ntt _ srch _ lnk _ 1 ? qid = 1372133835 & sr = 8-1 http :// www . amazon . co . uk / Weissensteiners-Three-Nations-Trilogy-ebook / dp / B00AFQC4QC / ref = sr _ 1 _ 2 ? ie = UT F8 & qid = 1361292346 & sr = 8-2 http :// www . amazon . co . uk / Sebastian-Thr ...
Barnes and Noble : http :// www . barnesandnoble . com / w / the-luck-of-the-weissensteiners-christoph-fischer / 1113932211 ? e an = 9781481130332 http :// www . barnesandnoble . com / w / sebastian-mr-christoph-fischer / 1115243053 ? ean = 9781484156001