Coffee Shop Goss Tweed Heads - September 2013 | Page 11

community mug shot Coffee Recipes Hot Russian Ingredients: • • • 2cl vodka 1cl vanilla syrup 1 espresso Preparation: • Name: ROZ DEAGAN Occupation: Sales Representative Favourite Drink: Short Black “I love my coffee first thing in the morning, it wakes me up” • Fill vodka, vanilla syrup and the freshly prepared espresso in a Martini glass At the end. pour the still liquid, cold blended whipping cream carefully in a glass so the two layers form Serving Tip • Serve it with two small straws *Email your jokes for Jess or Jords to: jess & jordy's corner [email protected] Jessies Jokes One day Shut up , Manners and Trouble went for a walk .Suddenly Trouble was lost .Manners and shut up went to police station to report. When they arrived there. Manners went to toilet. While waiting for Manners , a policeman came and ask,” what Is your name kid?” Shut up answered,” Shut up!” then the policeman told him where is your manners. Shut up replied ,” In the toilet.” The policeman said,” Are you looking for trouble?” Shut up answered ,” Yes!” Jordys Jokes Q. Why did the man put his money in the freezer. A. He wanted cold, hard cash. Q. What’s brown and sticky. A. A stick. Q. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire. A. Frostbite Q. What dog keeps the best time. A. A watch dog. Q. How do you make your hanky dance. A. Add a little boog