Coffee Shop Goss Banora Point > Kirra Beach - August 2014 | Page 10
zodiac central
Aries (the Ram) March 21-April 20:
Strange and unusual feelings may occur
like fears and troubled waters washing
over you. Do not be alarmed. There’s
nothing under your bed or in your closet.
And nothing will go bump in the night
that’s trying to find you. These situations
may seem elusive to others but not to
you. Care for finances and tend to grief.
Grief? Yes, but not for long.
Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21):
You are in charge of all relationships now
so you’ll have to be democratic and full
of leadership qualities. These include
patience, forbearance, constancy,
and the ability to change realities in a
blink of a Taurus eye (the 3rd). Do not
hide away. Big things are happening in
groups and in your day to day. A clash
of cymbals will be heard.
Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20):
We’re still wondering what you value,
Gem. Actually, I don’t think it’s money,
though it’s important this month.
Perhaps what’s important is an abstract,
verbal, conflictual discussion on the
meaning of values which includes
money and possessions. You also might
look around home and figure what
things are gathering cobwebs (spiders
are metaphors for Gemini) and give
them away. Tithing is a good thing.
Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20):
If things seem hidden then your senses
are proving infallible. If structures seem
to be dissolving, plans and people are
not showing up, and that large amount
of money you planned on is taking
its time to windfall, know that this is a
potent time where your imagination will
have to take over. Before retiring go over
the day backward and redo everything
that didn’t happen to your liking. This will
comfort you till what’s awry becomes
Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22):
Your lower mind may tell your higher
mind what to do and the outcome may
be disastrous. Therefore allow the inner
perception of love to rule your affairs. As
love awakens a level of communication
in others, you will feel compassion and
understanding. This helps if you’re in the
middle of a very difficult situation. Keep
silent when words may hurt another.
You’ll be hurt instead.
Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
The people you have worked with
before may not be around much this
Month/month. Somehow they seem to
have disappeared from view so you’ll
have to do the organizational work
alone. This is a unique situation where
you can improve finances and business
situations. Don’t clash with anyone or
anything. Just keep going. Innovations
will be the keys to a more profitable
Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):
Think there’s nothing else but work these
days? Well, you’re right. But in between
moments of despair and moments
of elation you may have moments of
freedom to go and do what you socially
need. This will give you a reprieve and
it will allow you to be more crea