COFFEE CUPS UP! June, 2014 June, 2014 | Page 5

The best advice that I can give to someone who can’t cook is to learn how to cook. God gave us 5 senses and the ability to learn reflects in some way or another. The second advice I could give is shopping at the grocery store. All of the stores, nowadays, make it so easy for even the “challenged” cook. They have everything they should need. You see, “Cooks” will shop counter-clockwise in a store, from wall to wall; from the produce, to raw meats and then the dairy section. The “non-cooks” should shop at the deli where everything is pre-made like salads, sandwiches, pizzas, and soups or in the frozen section. They can even chance it in the aisles for can goods or box meals.

But if all else fails, the least favorite is take-out.

If you are trying to impress with a meal, order take-out, take the food out of the cartons, platter it up and throw the boxes away!

What are your future plans for ‘Coffee Cups Up!’?

I really love what I do, in all aspects of life. From Sur La Bundt to La Bundt Boutique, Glam Girls in Motion and the online magazine, "Coffee Cups Up!" I want my brand to expand, gain notoriety and recognition as the next new magazine that hits the stand. I want to transform from “the new online magazine” to the” new paperback” print. I want my magazine to sit next to “O” on the magazine rack! I'm not asking for too much!

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