Kinesiology and Health Promotio
Mark Teaches Sexual Health
Course in Netherlands
Dr. Kristen Mark and a group of 12
students traveled to the Netherlands this
summer for three weeks to learn about
sexual health and sexuality education.
Students stayed with local families of
diverse family structures, rode bikes to
experience true Dutch culture, and went on
excursions to broaden their perspectives.
“The course introduced students to
the cultural comparative study of human
sexuality and sexual health education in
a context where sexual health outcomes
are the best in the world,” says Mark.
“The Netherlands has comprehensive sex
education, regulated and decriminalized
prostitution, and was one of the first to
legalize gay marriage. With their openness
TOP: A group of students visit Amsterdam’s Prostitute Information Center.
to sexuality and emphasis on talking about
ABOVE: Students in Amsterdam.
sex and sexuality with parents, peers, and
educators from a young age, sexuality is
in Utrect; a guest lecture on LGBTQ* sexuality issues from
seen as a healthy part of human development rather than
a leading researcher at the Netherland Institute for Social
something of which to be ashamed.”
Research; and a visit to a teen exhibit on puberty, sexual
Highlights of the program included: a guided tour of the
health, sexuality, and healthy relationships at the Nemo
Red Light District from the Prostitute Information Center
Museum, a children’s museum in Amsterdam center. The
where a former sex worker educated the group on history,
program, available to both undergraduate and graduate
laws, and the real world of red light work; meeting with
students, will be offered again from June 15-July 3, 2015.
world leaders in sex education curriculum at Rutgers/WPF