Codeswitchers :: Business | Social Change | Leadership Pathfinders May 2016 | Page 22

Tell us about a little bit about you?

I am a 35yr old outspoken, single Indigenous mother of three beautiful children.

I love my culture and I am passionate about supporting the rights of my people in the capacity I am able. I love to fish, keep fit, play sports, travel and in general live a positive life to the fullest!

I am originally from the Pilbara, born in Port Hedland WA. Most of my childhood was spent growing up in a small town called Marble Bar with my Grandmother. My early years’ education in primary schools were in Sydney, Marble Bar and Perth.

Like many, my childhood life was deprived in comparison to non-ndigenous people, pertaining mainly to affordability based on a “needs” not a “want “basis. The experience of struggle gave me the survival skills to exist with the social and political impacts of government policies and prejudice.

At the age of 14yrs, I moved to Broome in West Kimberley. Broome is a predominantly multi-cultural community in the West Kimberley, to reside with my gay Mother. Unfortunately, the opportunity to know my father did not eventuate.

I attended high school at St Mary’s, College, (formally Nulungu) in Broome up to Yr 11.

I currently work for The Department of Finance and I remain a Director of the Gumala Aboriginal Corporation (intermittent since 2010).

What is your personal mission?

To this day, I still reside in Broome, and although Broome is paradise to many and a mecca for visitors (nationally and internationally),

it is also common for our local Indigenous people to experience the underlying racial tension and division that retard intentions to nurture the growth of a healthy community.

My mission is to change that for our community. To work to ensure that Indigenous people have the same experience of life, education, opportunities and standard of lifestyles as other people who live in Broome too. To bring the community together where we can learn and grow together so we respect and value the different cultures in our towns.

My personal mission goes back to 1997 when I gave birth to my first child at a very young age of 16yrs.

I was a kid having a kid and had to grow up too fast. I have worked all my life, even through every pregnancy, just to give my children the basics I didn’t have growing up.

living and leading


Lisa Coffin is a Nyiyparli woman, a mother and strong campaigner for better policy and corporate structures for her people.

"Life is about Choices, Chances and Changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. You can't control others around you but you can control yourself."

Email: [email protected]