CODE South Way #2 | Page 17

C O S Q U E R C A V E ceramic artifacts and drawings, she restores or better to say creates a material culture of a small world where traditional mythological narrative and brutal reality of ecological catastrophe meet on the ruins of the social project of modernity: in the beginning of the 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet regime, a chemical plant constructed by authorities in a bear corner of Permia in Northern Russia, amidst of forests on the shore of a lake, had been abandoned, and chemicals flowed into it. After having used this polluted water, some inhabitants of the nearby archaic, rare, small, poor villages mutated into fairytale creatures, in particular mermaids, who used to live there in ancient times. Aside of ironic smartness of intrigue and picturesque character of the chosen socio-natural context, the general conception of Brochet has deep metaphoric character: habitual world order disappears under pressure of its own negative potentials, linearity of time disappears, archaism uses progress to impose itself, traditional distinction between man and animal, both in terms of ethics and biology, becomes less and less relevant. Fyodor Pavlov-Andreevich, a man with the appearance of a Nordic prince, but living under the palms of Brazil, put his exhibitionism and narcissism in the service of art, and good one. In the performance The Persimmons, aimed to demonstrate fragility of cultural buckles over animal wildness in man, totally nude, motionless and silent, the artist sat on the curule seat amidst of a vast courtyard, every passer being able to do with him absolutely everything he wants: scratch, hit, spit, throw a stone or a tomato, etc. In the first minutes timid, the crowd gradually grew and came in a frenzy: in the end, the artist is all dirty and covered in scratches and bruises. Politically ambiguous opposition between the artist, white as snow, and predominantly brown-skinned torturers gave to this performance, boldly referring to the humiliation of Christ and the famous Stanford experiment, a particularly provocative character. Vahagn Ter-Sarkysian (known as TS), the ventriloquist, gymnosophist and sacred monster of our days, also explores this tripartite relation between the human reason, the animal in man and the almighty dehumanizing technology, emancipated from its creator. Amazed by the idea that the Universe constantly moves towards its end, which will take form of definitive cooling and homogenization of all the matter, elimination of differences between its clots, he tries to accelerate this process, bring closer the end of the world through some unthinkable ecstatic, somnambulic and theurgical acts, attracted to him great interest of police and medics. He tries to erase and denies existence of all borders: between nations, reason and folly, art and life, beauty and ugliness, nudity and dressing, reality and imagination, sedentary and nomadic ways of life, speech and stream of meaningless sounds, man, robot and animal. Currently, refusing to use any human language and totally nude, he lives somewhere on the deserted slopes of Mount Ararat, erring between his native Armenia, Turkey and Iran and eating nothing but berries, bark and grasses. Previously, for three months, he circulated on his hands, feet forward (like lobster, mascot), sang hymns to Brahma and glorifying arrival of robot age, came to a hospital in Moscow asking if his hands could be surgically transformed into pincers, regulated traffic instead of the police, wore a bag on his head, high heels and lingerie, lived in an Adventist community in California, spontaneously copulated with homeless obese women at the landfills, practiced necrophagia, put a stick into the urethra, cut the hair on the legs by nail scissors, created false identities and places of work. One of rare videos of this kind, calm, noble-hearted and deeply mentally unhealthy man, beautiful as an Ancient Greek hero, faithful to the idea of art as form of life and thus rejecting any form of documentation, captures him silently rushing through the coaches of a monorail. Monotonous sound of wheels on rails, gray colors and bad weather inside the train, apathy of passengers, the absolute meaninglessness of TS’ salmon-run-like action produce a feeling of depression and disquietude, and serve as powerful metaphor of how unpredictable and dangerous is the world where tectonic layers of human exis- Octobre 2016 — Avril 2017 17