Coaching to Your Client’s
Learning Style
To help our clients achieve new results, coaches must support
them in learning and implementing new behaviors that will create
those results. It’s just that simple and just that hard. Every client
has a learning style; i.e., a preferred way of taking in and making
sense of new information. Coaches who understand what is
required to focus the attention of each learning style have an
enormous advantage in equipping their clients to achieve success.
Tapping Into Your Client’s Brain
Learning occurs as a result of how we process our experiences and the meaning we
make of them. When we learn, our brains move through a cycle of asking and answering
four critical questions: why, what, how and if. Reflect on something you learned recently
and think about how you moved through exploring these four questions:
Jeanine O’NeillBlackwell
Jeanine i