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What’s one step you’re taking to grow
your coaching business in 2016?
We looked at cost-effective routes to sharing our “gift” with the world
and one major step we decided to take this year to grow our coaching
practice is to build our social media presence and online brand. We
decided to outsource our social media management to a professional
social media management company to help build followership
and regular media messages and campaigns on all major social
media platforms used by our target audience (Twitter, LinkedIn and
Facebook). We have also recorded video clips targeted at our potential
clients’ needs for YouTube and our website. 2016 promises to be an
exciting year!
—Ajibola Yewande Ponnle, ACC (Nigeria)
In 2016, the focus is on showcasing to clients ROI with respect to
coaching-based interventions. Using proprietary tools we want to
measure how individuals who have undergone coaching are coming
across to others as leaders. So instead of measuring how an individual
has moved in his or her emotional intelligence capabilities, we are
going to check whether these new capabilities are being demonstrated
in the workplace. The tool enables us to track the individual team
energy, pre- and post-coaching. This will help the coach and the
individual to come up with pragmatic action plans and also track
progress. I believe this measurement approach will be key in delivering
value to clients.
—Sunil Kumar Tadepalli (India)
I will apply systemic coaching more to organizations as well as
individual Executive Coaching to enhance the team dynamics within
the organizations. I will also actively utilize ICF’s industry research
to demonstrate the value of coaching.
Coaching World
—Yumiko Shito, PCC ( Japan)